Global Winery Sunday Summary – 09/05/2021

Dave Kearney Global Wineries, Global Wineries Sunday Summary, Social Analytics

From 8/22/21 to 9/5/21

We follow the social marketing habits of an ever-growing number of Global Winery companies. The information included in this report shows social marketing usage along with the specific information to help our clients market better.

At Seamless.Partners, we work hard to make sure our information is valuable to you and your colleagues. If you can think of something we should change or add, please let us know. Get in Touch

Global Winery Social Account Usage

The chart below shows the percentage of Global Winery companies that utilize each of the most popular social channels.

Social Account Usage Among Global Winery
Type Percent
facebook 98%
instagram 54%
twitter 50%
youtube 27%
pinterest 19%
tripadvisor 15%
linkedin 12%
yelp 9%
tumblr 3%
foursquare 1%

Facebook Frequency and Top Posters

This section shows the percentage of Global Winery companies that posted a quantity of articles during this time period. As you can see, a large percentage posted 0 articles, while a small percentage posted over 10 times The table shows which companies posted the most number of times.

Top Facebook Posters This Week
Company Posts
Italia a Tavola 139 104
Wyldewood Cellars Winery 61
Gisborne Peak Winery 59

Facebook Biggest Movers

The information in this section shows which facebook posters had the largest change in the number of page likes over the last month and quarter. This information is highly correlated with the number and quality of their posts.

Top Facebook Pages With The Biggest Change In Likes This Quarter
Company Change
Weingut von Othegraven +539%
Gratien et Meyer +205%
Azienda Agricola Scompiglio +93%
Podere Casanova Montepulciano +81%
Tumwater Vineyard +75%
Croft Port +74%
Brandlin Vineyard +55%
Running Vines Winery +47%
Vignobles Terrassous +45%
Van Ardi Winery +44%
Top Facebook Pages With The Biggest Change In Likes This Month
Company Change
Weingut von Othegraven +526%
Podere Casanova Montepulciano +50%
Vignobles Terrassous +39%
Tumwater Vineyard +35%
Brandlin Vineyard +28%
Atrium du Pouilly-Fuissé +24%
Azienda Agricola Scompiglio +24%
Smallfry Wines +22%
Van Ardi Winery +19%
Sleeping Giant Fruit Winery +18%

Facebook Post Days

This chart displays how many Global Winery posts happened on each day of the week. It shows the most popular days of posting compared to the end users propensity to like a post.

9/5/21 Global Winery Facebook Post Days

Facebook Post Hours

This chart displays how many Global Winery posts happened on each hour of the day. It shows the most popular hours of posting compared to the end users propensity to like a post. Hours are in pacific time.

9/5/21 Global Winery Facebook Post Hours

Top 5 Facebook Posts

These are the facebook posts that received the most likes relative to their corporate page likes.

Company: Weingut Försterhof
Company Likes: 2248
Post Likes: 672
Post Shares: 428
Post Comments: 82
Message: Liebe Gäste und Freunde, es ist soweit! Nachdem wir nun wieder Strom und Wasser haben, eröffnen wir am Freitag, den 03.09.2021, unser Restaurant für Euch. Wir möchten den Menschen aus und um das Ahrtal eine Auszeit bieten. Von unserer Terrasse aus wirkt alles für den Moment so normal und harmonisch, wie wir es von unserer geliebten Heimat gewohnt sind. Kommt vorbei, überzeugt Euch selbst und gewinnt für ein paar Stunden Abstand von dieser schrecklichen Katastrophe. Genießt unsere Weine und Köstlichkeiten bei einem sagenhaften Ausblick. Kehrt bei uns ein, um Euch nach einer Wanderung durch die herbstlichen Weinberge zu stärken. Wir freuen uns auf Euch und sind von Herzen dankbar, dass ihr uns helft unseren Lebenstraum und unsere Existenz zu erhalten! Natürlich möchten auch wir weiterhin unseren Beitrag zum Wiederaufbau leisten. Daher spenden wir für jedes Hauptgericht 1€ an unsere Winzer- und Gastronomiekollegen. Wir sind Dienstag bis Sonntag bei durchgängig warmer Küche ab 11:30 Uhr für Euch da. Auf Grund der momentanen Situation bitten wir um Verständnis, dass derzeit nur Barzahlung möglich ist. Am besten erreicht Ihr uns über die Zufahrt Hotel „Hohenzollern“, telefonisch unter 0160 98064617 oder per Mail unter . Unser Weinverkauf ist täglich von 12 bis 17 Uhr geöffnet und über erreichbar. Des Weiteren gelten die aktuellen Corona-Schutzmaßnahmen des Landes RLP.
Company: Winzer Krems
Company Likes: 1779
Post Likes: 542
Post Shares: 488
Post Comments: 640
Message: 🍀 𝗚 𝗘 𝗪 𝗜 𝗡 𝗡 𝗦 𝗣 𝗜 𝗘 𝗟 🍀 Zum Ende des Sommers verlosen wir ein 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘂𝗺𝗵𝗮𝗳𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝗪𝗼𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗞𝗿𝗲𝗺𝘀 𝗳ü𝗿 𝘇𝘄𝗲𝗶 𝗣𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗻! 😍🌇 Das Paket enthält eine Übernachtung inklusive Frühstück im Hotel + Gasthof Klinglhuber🥰, einen Erlebnis-Rundgang im Wein.Sinn der Winzer Krems 🍇, Eintritt für die Landesgalerie Niederösterreich 🎨sowie ein Abendessen im Hofbräu am Steinertor 🍻🍴 Du willst mitmachen? 1️⃣ Folge 'Visit Krems' auf Facebook 2️⃣ Teile diesen Beitrag 3️⃣ Markiere die Person, mit der du in Krems ein traumhaftes Wochenende genießen möchtest, in den Kommentaren Der/die GewinnerIn wird per Zufall am 15.09. gezogen und verständigt. Dieses Gewinnspiel steht in keiner Verbindung zu Facebook.
Company: Both Banks Vineyard Kingower
Company Likes: 506
Post Likes: 143
Post Shares: 1
Post Comments: 38
Message: In 1985 a couple of kids in their early 20s planted a Vineyard at Kingower. It all turned out alright. Auntie Lyn recorded for posterity a great shot of us planting that we still use today. We tried to recreate that photo whilst replanting gaps in the Hut Paddock Cabernet……Being thinner and better looking nowadays we struggled to get the angles right but this is as close as we could get 😀😃🙂🙃😊
Company: Aj's wine & bistro – 亞傑克斯
Company Likes: 8431
Post Likes: 1952
Post Shares: 18
Post Comments: 39
Message: 大家最愛的調酒系列又來啦~ #羅曼蒂克的調酒🍷
謝謝 Aj's wine & bistro – 亞傑克斯 小偉哥出借場地❤️ #葡萄酒酒控必看 #生活中的儀式感 #晚上8點準時上片 #哈囉我是熊熊卓毓彤 #喝酒喝起來
Company: Bumgarner Winery
Company Likes: 1427
Post Likes: 323
Post Shares: 64
Post Comments: 93
Message: Hold your breath, but don’t panic. This is the view at our property tonight, in the last hour. We were told this is a planned backburn and we pray to God there is such a thing as a controlled fire. 🙏 The fire crews are all there with trucks at every home. So we continue to believe this is the height, the peak, and it will burn out on itself and we will have containment in the next few days like Cal Fire said at the public meeting. These guys know what they’re doing. There’s incredible science and strategy and hard work. Thank you #firefighters! And with that it has been a long week! Pouring a whiskey, in honor of Division “W” called “whiskey” praying the fire line holds.🙏🙏🙏 Photo Credit unnamed neighbor who stayed behind. No words. #caldorfire #bumgarnerwinery

Twitter Frequency and Top Tweeters

This section shows the percentage of Global Winery companies that tweeted a quantity of articles this week. As you can see, a large percentage tweeted 0 articles, while a small percentage tweeted over 10 times The table shows which companies tweeted the most number of times.

Twitter Biggest Movers

The information in this section shows which twitter tweeters had the largest change in the number of page likes over the last month and quarter. This information is highly correlated with the number and quality of their tweets.

Top Twitter Pages With The Biggest Change In Likes This Quarter
Company Change
Costières de Nîmes (Officiel) +24.7%
JaM Cellars +23.6%
Tina Cellar +10.8%
UPPA Winery +10.1%
Вина Бани +10.1%
the JackaL +9.8%
Lavender Oak Vineyard +8.3%
Hencote – Accommodation & Vineyard +7.1%
Moët Hennessy +6.5%
Grupo Peñaflor Carreras +6.1%
Top Twitter Pages With The Biggest Change In Likes This Month
Company Change
JaM Cellars +13.6%
Tina Cellar +10.8%
UPPA Winery +4.5%
Вина Бани +4.5%
Solera +3.7%
Grupo Peñaflor Carreras +2.7%
Gusbourne Estate +2.6%
Perinet Winery +2.5%
Delille Cellars Doyenne +2.3%
Robertson Winery +2.3%

Twitter Tweet Days

This chart displays how many Global Winery tweets happened on each day of the week. It shows the most popular days of tweeting compared to the end users propensity to like a tweet.

9/5/21 Global Winery Twitter Tweet Days

Twitter Tweet Hours

This chart displays how many Global Winery tweets happened on each hour of the day. It shows the most popular hours of tweeting compared to the end users propensity to like a tweet. Hours are in pacific time.

9/5/21 Global Winery Twitter Tweet Hours

Top 5 Tweets

These are the tweets that received the most likes relative to their corporate page likes.

Company: Warwick Winery & Vineyard – Warwick, NY
Company Followers: 118097
Retweets: 329
Description: 23 ( )
Tweet Text:

Company: Artadi Bodegas y Viñedos
Company Followers: 92265
Retweets: 137
Description: Diputada de @JuntsXCat. Regidora i presidenta del Grup Municipal de @JuntsxCatBCN a lAjuntament de Barcelona. Arribaré allà on @quimforn no pugui arribar.
Tweet Text: Titular que es critica, però que confirma la mateixa Colau. Fa pena que considereu més greu un titular que no pas e

Company: Olde Mill Winery & Vineyards
Company Followers: 89917
Retweets: 95
Tweet Text: AVC-Sub: Akari Tsumugi IPX-618 Source: #AVCollectors

Company: Twomey Cellars
Company Followers: 106655
Retweets: 66
Description: Chelsea & more for @TheAthleticUK. Online/video/radio/podcasts . DMs open. Views my own. Email:
Tweet Text: Having a lot of fun imagining PSG triggering the 222 million buyout clause in Neymars contract at Barcelona in 20

Company: Olde Mill Winery & Vineyards
Company Followers: 259362
Retweets: 60
Description: /AV
Tweet Text: @KarenKaede_ @Kana_Momonogi @aoi_tsukasa8 @matsushita_saek @akari_tsumugi

+ posts

Dave has been building and scaling companies for 20+ years—driving performance through business-aligned technology strategy, product innovation, and data integration. As a CEO, CTO, and entrepreneur, he is skilled in solving real-world problems for startups through Fortune 500 organizations. He empowers teams to deliver robust, scalable infrastructures, and powerful solutions that automate processes, improve performance outcomes, and set the stage for exponential growth.

You can reach Dave at his website: