Global Winery Facebook Friday – 08/06/2021

Dave Kearney Global Wineries, Global Wineries Facebook Friday, Social Analytics

From 7/23/21 to 8/6/21

We follow the social marketing habits of an ever-growing number of Global Winery companies. The information included in this report shows social marketing usage along with the specific information to help our clients market better.

At Seamless.Partners, we work hard to make sure our information is valuable to you and your colleagues. If you can think of something we should change or add, please let us know. Get in Touch

Facebook Biggest Movers

This section shows which organizations had the largest change in the number of facebook followers over this time period. The positive change may be caused by their posts or other marketing programs such as events

Biggest Change in Facebook Followers
Top Mover Post Count Past Likes Current Likes Change
Gratien et Meyer 2 2107 3698 +76%
Darlington Vineyard 0 484 632 +31%
Croft Port 0 8107 9523 +17%
Page Cellars 2 1720 2012 +17%
Podere Casanova Montepulciano 6 1621 1885 +16%
Tumwater Vineyard 1 2364 2709 +15%
Hart 2 Hart Vineyards 1 1707 1941 +14%
Bodegas Avelino Vegas 4 19209 21443 +12%
Feeney Package Liquor 1 1408 1551 +10%
Podere Bianchi 8 10591 11603 +10%

Facebook Biggest Movers' Posts

This section shows the top posts of the organizations with the largest change in the number of facebook followers. The posts below may have had some impact on the positive change in followers.

Bodegas Avelino Vegas
Company: Bodegas Avelino Vegas
Company Likes: 21443
Post Likes: 54
Post Shares: 2
Post Comments: 3
Company: Bodegas Avelino Vegas
Company Likes: 21443
Post Likes: 13
Post Shares: 2
Post Comments: 0
Message: ¡Enhorabuena! a los ganadores y gracias a todos por participar. Turismo de Segovia Ayuntamiento de Segovia Fundación ONCE Bodegas Avelino Vegas Vitogas España, S.A. Junta de Castilla y León
Company: Bodegas Avelino Vegas
Company Likes: 21443
Post Likes: 6
Post Shares: 2
Post Comments: 0
Message: No os perdáis este fantástico post deI Ignacio Izquierdo y sus espectaculares fotos. Ayuntamiento de Segovia Turismo de Segovia Bodegas Avelino Vegas Fundación ONCE Vitogas España, S.A. Junta de Castilla y León #SegoviaCieloAccesible #LaCiudadDeLosGlobos #FestivalGlobosSegovia
Company: Bodegas Avelino Vegas
Company Likes: 21443
Post Likes: 3
Post Shares: 1
Post Comments: 0
Message: ¡Enhorabuena! a los ganadores y gracias a todos por participar. Turismo de Segovia Ayuntamiento de Segovia Fundación ONCE Bodegas Avelino Vegas Vitogas España, S.A. Junta de Castilla y León

Feeney Package Liquor
Company: Feeney Package Liquor
Company Likes: 1551
Post Likes: 4
Post Shares: 2
Post Comments: 0
Message: In store sampling today 4-7 pm featuring Canteen Vodka Soda’s, 0 -Sugar 0 – Carbs 0 -Sodium 99 Calories Gluten Free A refreshing Summer Drink!!

Gratien et Meyer
Company: Gratien et Meyer
Company Likes: 3698
Post Likes: 35
Post Shares: 12
Post Comments: 1
Message: La Cuvée Flamme Millésimée… Une robe limpide et brillante aux reflets d’or blanc. Un nez brioché, révélant de légères notes de vanille, de sous-bois et de grillé. En finale, une légère minéralité apportant fraîcheur et laissant en bouche des notes d’abricots secs. Gratien Meyer révèle des arômes mettant en valeur d'une manière somptueuse nos Fines Bulles… La boutique Gratien & Meyer vous accueille pour vous faire découvrir en exclusivité la Cuvée Flamme Millésimée.
Company: Gratien et Meyer
Company Likes: 3698
Post Likes: 31
Post Shares: 6
Post Comments: 1
Message: Tic-tac ⏳ Notre dernière soirée Night & Bulles de juillet approche … Retrouvez-nous pour une soirée jazz avec Enell & Pascal pour des compositions et reprises dans un style jazz, latino, blues agrémentées de boucles électro ! Tout est prêt pour vous faire passer une soirée inoubliable : la scène, les tables, les planches apéritives… Attention, les places sont limitées et uniquement sur réservation. Ne tardez pas et rendez-vous dès à présent sur notre billetterie en ligne pour réserver vos entrées :

Hart 2 Hart Vineyards
Company: Hart 2 Hart Vineyards
Company Likes: 1941
Post Likes: 62
Post Shares: 4
Post Comments: 7
Message: Today & tomorrow! BBQ Sip & Shop🍷👜11:30-5:00 It’s cooler out here🌴and we have outdoor air conditioners! Taste Wine, Local Artisan Cheese, Breads and Brittle. Live Music featuring: B-Side Duo on Saturday & Dave & Violet on Sunday. Shop Local Vendors: Tresbien Creamery, Davonna's Yummy Brittle, Sister's Loaves, Purple Oak Lavender, Touchstone Crystal Jewelry by Swarovski Free Admission July 24 & 25 11:30-5:00 Wines by the flight, glass & bottle for purchase BBQ Food and Vendor products for purchase Please no outside food or alcohol

Page Cellars
Company: Page Cellars
Company Likes: 2012
Post Likes: 19
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: Open today and every Friday from 3-7PM!!! Our recently awarded 97pt Red Mountain Bordeaux Blend “Tryst” is on our glass pour special!
Company: Page Cellars
Company Likes: 2012
Post Likes: 15
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: Don’t forget we’re now open Fridays from 3PM – 7PM! We’re looking forward to spoiling you all! Come visit us!

Podere Casanova Montepulciano
Company: Podere Casanova Montepulciano
Company Likes: 1885
Post Likes: 10
Post Shares: 17
Post Comments: 0
Message: 📣 È uscita la nostra newsletter di luglio, con tutte le novità, le nostre proposte di soggiorno e dalla cantina e i nostri eventi, tra cui gli aperitivi del venerdì d'estate #SunsetCasanovaWines e la #BraciolatadelCasanova, di sabato 31 luglio (ci sono ancora posti disponibili, aspettiamo le vostre prenotazioni al 335.5248000) 📨 Per iscrivervi alla newsletter e rimanere sempre aggiornati e in contatto con noi, basta compilare il velocissimo forma a questo link indicando nel modulo "iscrizione newsletter". E il gioco è fatto 😉
Company: Podere Casanova Montepulciano
Company Likes: 1885
Post Likes: 80
Post Shares: 9
Post Comments: 0
Message: Venerdì, gli aperitivi golosi in vigna #SunsetCasanovaWines e sabato la Braciolata del Casanova. Ci si prospetta una due-giorni felicemente "impegnativa", amici… vero? 😉 😋 👉 Non dimenticate di inviarci le vostre prenotazioni, per domani o sabato, al 335.5248000! [Cominciamo sempre attorno alle 18! Vi aspettiamo!] 🚀
Company: Podere Casanova Montepulciano
Company Likes: 1885
Post Likes: 18
Post Shares: 7
Post Comments: 0
Message: Si parla di noi su Quotidiano Nazionale Weekend, il settimanale, in uscita con Il Giorno, Il Resto del Carlino e La Nazione! <3 Potete leggere l'articolo qui 👉
Company: Podere Casanova Montepulciano
Company Likes: 1885
Post Likes: 26
Post Shares: 6
Post Comments: 0
Company: Podere Casanova Montepulciano
Company Likes: 1885
Post Likes: 18
Post Shares: 6
Post Comments: 0
Message: Siamo ancora emozionati per essere stati tanto bene assieme a voi sabato scorso, alla prima Braciolata del Casanova! 😍 Ma siamo anche prontissimi per riaccogliervi domani, come ogni venerdì d'estate, ai nostri Sunset Casanova Wines, gli aperitivi con golosità per accompagnare il tramonto al fresco delle nostre vigne! 🍹 👉 Prenotate il vostro salottino o privé ai numeri 335.5248000 | 370.3776061! Vi aspettiamo! #montepulciano #venerdì #ognivenerdì #cocktails #wine #wineparty #cocktailparty #cocktailart #vineyard #vigna #vigneto #sunsetcasanova #sunsetcasanovawines #winepassion #toscana #tuscany #tuscanystyle #italianstyle #ilovetuscany #valdichiana #valdorcia #valdichianasenese #visittuscany

Tumwater Vineyard
Company: Tumwater Vineyard
Company Likes: 2709
Post Likes: 8
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: Did you know we are LIVE certified and use 100% sustainable farming practices? We follow a strict set of standards to ensure our wine process minimizes environmental and social impacts. 🍇 • • • #sipattumwater #tumwaterwines #tumewaterevents #tumwatercommunity #cheers #weekendvibes #oregonwines #pnw #westlinn #willamettevalley #lakeoswego #cheerstotheweekend #winetasting #visitoregon #vineyardviews #winelover #eventspaces #celebration #summertime #learnaboutwine #LIVE-certified #environment #sustainability

+ posts

Dave has been building and scaling companies for 20+ years—driving performance through business-aligned technology strategy, product innovation, and data integration. As a CEO, CTO, and entrepreneur, he is skilled in solving real-world problems for startups through Fortune 500 organizations. He empowers teams to deliver robust, scalable infrastructures, and powerful solutions that automate processes, improve performance outcomes, and set the stage for exponential growth.

You can reach Dave at his website: