Global Winery Sunday Summary – 04/25/2021

Dave Kearney Global Wineries, Global Wineries Sunday Summary, Social Analytics

From 4/11/21 to 4/25/21

We follow the social marketing habits of an ever-growing number of Global Winery companies. The information included in this report shows social marketing usage along with the specific information to help our clients market better.

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Global Winery Social Account Usage

The chart below shows the percentage of Global Winery companies that utilize each of the most popular social channels.

Social Account Usage Among Global Winery
Type Percent
facebook 98%
instagram 51%
twitter 49%
youtube 26%
pinterest 18%
tripadvisor 15%
linkedin 11%
yelp 8%
tumblr 2%
foursquare 1%

Facebook Frequency and Top Posters

This section shows the percentage of Global Winery companies that posted a quantity of articles during this time period. As you can see, a large percentage posted 0 articles, while a small percentage posted over 10 times The table shows which companies posted the most number of times.

Top Facebook Posters This Week
Company Posts 101
Lanthier Winery 67
Deer Creek Winery 54
Szekszárdi Borvidék 39

Facebook Biggest Movers

The information in this section shows which facebook posters had the largest change in the number of page likes over the last month and quarter. This information is highly correlated with the number and quality of their posts.

Facebook Post Days

This chart displays how many Global Winery posts happened on each day of the week. It shows the most popular days of posting compared to the end users propensity to like a post.

4/25/21 Global Winery Facebook Post Days

Facebook Post Hours

This chart displays how many Global Winery posts happened on each hour of the day. It shows the most popular hours of posting compared to the end users propensity to like a post. Hours are in pacific time.

4/25/21 Global Winery Facebook Post Hours

Top 5 Facebook Posts

These are the facebook posts that received the most likes relative to their corporate page likes.

Company: Joel Gott Wines
Company Likes: 7511
Post Likes: 7184
Post Shares: 263
Post Comments: 110
Message: Our 2020 Rosé and Mahi Mahi Tacos go together like grilling and the great outdoors. Hope you enjoy!
Company: 彼得綠酒窖
Company Likes: 621
Post Likes: 243
Post Shares: 1
Post Comments: 5
Message: 第一次喝香檳🥂才發現原來香檳跟汽泡酒差這麼多! 香檳口感綿密,口齒間有舞動感💃而其他汽泡飲品卻過於刺激,真是讓人驚艷🤩 ✨ ✨ ✨ 🇫🇷「亨利杜布瓦˙香檳」Henri Dubois Brut 淡雅的奶油麵包香氣清爽細膩 🇫🇷「亨利杜布瓦˙粉紅香檳」Henri Dubois Brut Rosé 櫻桃和草莓香氣,伴隨濃郁的果香與香草氣息 ✨ ✨ 歡迎撥打彼得綠專線📞 02-2537-6505 或加入官方Line詢問 Line ID:@xsm4663w 未成年請勿飲酒🚫酒後不開車 🚚滿三瓶免運費 ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ #彼得綠酒窖Petrus #法國 #香檳 #亨利杜布瓦 #粉紅 #Champagne #GHMartelC #HenriDubois
Company: Priest Ranch Wines
Company Likes: 1464
Post Likes: 398
Post Shares: 21
Post Comments: 2
Message: We're proud to announce our three new April releases! Introducing: the 2019 Zinfandel, 2018 Snake Oil, and 2019 Rosé canned wine. Trust us when we say red wines aren't just for cooler months–these voluptuous new vintages make for great sipping wines on a warm, relaxing evening, or pair beautifully with a flavorful meal straight from the grill. And, our Rosé can is a quintessential part of your wine collection for spring! Shop now:
Company: Frias Family Vineyard
Company Likes: 2947
Post Likes: 582
Post Shares: 16
Post Comments: 6
Message: Shucked and loaded, these oysters are ready to pair with our crisp, dry 2018 Sauvignon Blanc—we see how they make it through the work week in Louisiana! We invite you to experience springtime in a glass:
Company: Luna Vineyards
Company Likes: 3623
Post Likes: 702
Post Shares: 11
Post Comments: 8
Message: Extra thankful for our furry visitors on National Pet Day. 🐶 Photo credit via IG: @winedogs_hq

Twitter Frequency and Top Tweeters

This section shows the percentage of Global Winery companies that tweeted a quantity of articles this week. As you can see, a large percentage tweeted 0 articles, while a small percentage tweeted over 10 times The table shows which companies tweeted the most number of times.

Twitter Biggest Movers

The information in this section shows which twitter tweeters had the largest change in the number of page likes over the last month and quarter. This information is highly correlated with the number and quality of their tweets.

Top Twitter Pages With The Biggest Change In Likes This Quarter
Company Change
Chateau Carsin +133.2%
St. Clement Vineyards +27.4%
Etude +27.4%
Lavender Oak Vineyard +23.9%
Bodegas Veganzones +17.4%
Château La Louvière +15.9%
Finca Las Nubes +15.5%
Amici Cellars +15.3%
Cantine Belisario +13.7%
CC Viva Villavicencio +11.6%
Top Twitter Pages With The Biggest Change In Likes This Month
Company Change
Usana +10%
Klet Brda +8.9%
Longevity Wines, Winery +8.6%
CC Viva Villavicencio +7.5%
Chateau Carsin +6.8%
Lavender Oak Vineyard +5.8%
Bodega Otto Bestue +5.6%
Stony Hill Vineyard +5%
Angry Orchard +3.7%
1111 Wines +3.4%

Twitter Tweet Days

This chart displays how many Global Winery tweets happened on each day of the week. It shows the most popular days of tweeting compared to the end users propensity to like a tweet.

4/25/21 Global Winery Twitter Tweet Days

Twitter Tweet Hours

This chart displays how many Global Winery tweets happened on each hour of the day. It shows the most popular hours of tweeting compared to the end users propensity to like a tweet. Hours are in pacific time.

4/25/21 Global Winery Twitter Tweet Hours

Top 5 Tweets

These are the tweets that received the most likes relative to their corporate page likes.

Company: VINO JANO Limbach
Company Followers: 333
Retweets: 13542
Description: Why do you act like I'm sexist or something just for calling you sexy? Even though we're not together, I still find you sexy.
Tweet Text: 67 | | 2021/04/20/ 06:00-07:00 #radiko

Company: Zepeda Vineyard & Winery
Company Followers: 205941
Retweets: 79
Description: Shapiro Chair of Public Interest Law at George Washington University, criminal defense attorney, and legal analyst. Blog:
Tweet Text: Within an hour of each other, charging decisions in two lethal police shootings reached strikingly different conclu

Company: Artadi Bodegas y Viñedos
Company Followers: 98862
Retweets: 76
Description: La raó de tot: els meus. Catalan MP. Defence, Interior and Sports spox. Per la llibertat del meu país, del @govern i del President @KRLS
Tweet Text: Això és defensar el teixit productiu del nostre país, la política útil de la mà de la determinació. Gràcies

Company: Artadi Bodegas y Viñedos
Company Followers: 91777
Retweets: 72
Description: Diputada de @JuntsXCat. Regidora i presidenta del Grup Municipal de @JuntsxCatBCN a lAjuntament de Barcelona. Arribaré allà on @quimforn no pugui arribar.
Tweet Text: En aquests dos dies de comissions hem aconseguit que l'ajuntament accepti consensuar el pla de la superilla amb vei

Company: Codornieu Winery
Company Followers: 11594
Retweets: 51
Description: De Benavarri (Ribagorça). Professor de castellà a Tremp (Pallars). Què sic i què no sic (a més, #JoSicCDR):
Tweet Text: Si ets català, com més pasta guanyes a Espanya, més te la bufa la repressió antiindepe. És així. De Serrat a Buenaf

+ posts

Dave has been building and scaling companies for 20+ years—driving performance through business-aligned technology strategy, product innovation, and data integration. As a CEO, CTO, and entrepreneur, he is skilled in solving real-world problems for startups through Fortune 500 organizations. He empowers teams to deliver robust, scalable infrastructures, and powerful solutions that automate processes, improve performance outcomes, and set the stage for exponential growth.

You can reach Dave at his website: