Early Childhood Education Facebook Friday – 04/23/2021

Dave Kearney Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood Education Facebook Friday, Social Analytics

From 4/9/21 to 4/23/21

We follow the social marketing habits of an ever-growing number of Early Childhood Education companies. The information included in this report shows social marketing usage along with the specific information to help our clients market better.

At Seamless.Partners, we work hard to make sure our information is valuable to you and your colleagues. If you can think of something we should change or add, please let us know. Get in Touch

Facebook Biggest Movers

This section shows which organizations had the largest change in the number of facebook followers over this time period. The positive change may be caused by their posts or other marketing programs such as events

Biggest Change in Facebook Followers
Top Mover Post Count Past Likes Current Likes Change
Baby Brain – International Early childhood School- Thanlyin 3 7256 10529 +45%
Early Childhood Development Network 0 625 828 +32%
Early Childhood Resources: Handmade, Recycled and Upcycled 1 540 659 +22%
Colorado Division for Early Childhood 4 370 430 +16%
Early Childhood Australia NSW Branch 0 2467 2853 +16%
Early Years Learning is Fun 3 1719 1995 +16%
Argao Evangelical Christian School Inc. 0 251 288 +15%
Early Childhood Development Edu. Advocacy Ghana 0 1615 1855 +15%
Parenting4U 0 1193 1369 +15%
Playful Learning & Growing 0 843 956 +13%

Facebook Biggest Movers' Posts

This section shows the top posts of the organizations with the largest change in the number of facebook followers. The posts below may have had some impact on the positive change in followers.

Baby Brain – International Early childhood School- Thanlyin
Company: Baby Brain – International Early childhood School- Thanlyin
Company Likes: 10529
Post Likes: 41
Post Shares: 182
Post Comments: 5
Message: 🖍️📕Why writing development is so Important for Early Years 👶🖍️ ကေလးေတြ စာေရးျခင္းဖြံ႕ၿဖိဳးတိုးတက္ေအာင္ သင္ၾကားေပးေနတ့ဲ အခ်ိန္ဟာ ဘာေၾကာင့္ အေရးၾကီးတာလဲ? ✏️📝🖊️🖋️✒️📌📘📗📜💌🪄🎀🎊🎈🎁🪞🧸🔑 က်ြန္မတို႕တေတြ ငယ္ငယ္က မိဘေတြ ဆရာေတြ လက္အေပၚက ထပ္ျပီး စာေရးသင္ခ့ဲတ့ဲအခ်ိန္ကို လူတိုင္း မွတ္မိၾကမွာပါ။ ဒီလိုနဲ႕ပဲ က်ြန္မတို႔ စာေရးတတ္ခ့ဲၾကတယ္ေလ။ မ်ဥ္းေလးေၾကာင္း လက္ေရးလွလည္း အမ်ားၾကီးေရးခ့ဲၾကတယ္။ တစ္ခ်ိဳ႕ေတြဆို လက္ေရးလွေရးခ်ိန္ လက္ေရးမလွလို႔ ရိုက္ခံတာ ၾကံဳခ့ဲဖူးၾကမွာပါ။ ဒါေတြက က်ြန္မတို႔ရဲ႕ ဘဝအေတြ႔အၾကံဳပါ။ ဒီအေတြ႔အၾကံဳအတိုင္း ကိုယ့္ရဲ႕ သားသမီး ေျမးျမစ္ တပည့္ေတြကို ျပန္သင္ေနၾကတ့ဲ မိဘ ဆရာေတြ ရွိေနဆဲပါ။ ေက်းဇူးျပဳျပီး ခဏစဥ္းစားလို႔ ကိုယ့္ရဲ႕သားသမီး တပည့္ေတြရဲ႕ စာေရးျခင္းကို နည္းလမ္းမွန္စြာ ဖြံ႕ျဖိဳးေအာင္ ဘယ္လိုပ့ံပိုး သင္ၾကားေပးၾကမလဲဆိုတာ ေလ့လာၾကရေအာင္။ ငယ္ရြယ္တ့ဲကေလးေတြကို လက္ေခ်ာင္းၾကြက္သားသန္မာေအာင္ ေလ့က်င့္မေပးဘဲ စာကို တန္းျပီးေရးခိုင္းတာ လက္ေရးလွေတြ အတင္းေရးခိုင္းတာဟာ အလြန္မွားယြင္းတ့ဲ အယူအဆပါ။ ပံုမွာ ကေလးငယ္ရဲ႕ လက္ေခ်ာင္းေတြကို ဓါတ္မွန္ရိုက္ထားတ့ဲပံုကို ၾကည့္ျခင္းအားျဖင့္ ဖြံ႕ျဖိဳးစ ျပဳေနတ့ဲ စာေရးဖို႔ အဆင္သင့္ မျဖစ္ေသးတာကို သတိျပဳမိမွာပါ။ ကေလးရဲ႕ လက္ေခ်ာင္း ၾကြက္သား ၾကြက္သားၾကီး ၾကြက္သား ငယ္ေတြ သန္မာေအာင္ ေလ့က်င့္နိုင္တ့ဲ လုပ္ငန္းမ်ားစြာရွိပါတယ္။ ဒါ့အျပင္ လက္ေရးမလွလို႔ လက္ေခါက္ကို ေပတံနဲ႕ရိုက္တာလည္း ကေလးရဲ႕ လက္ေခ်ာင္းဖြံ႕ျဖိဳးမႈကုိ မသိတ့ဲ မွားယြင္းတ့ဲ လုပ္ရပ္ေတြပါ။ 👶🖍️👶🖍️👶🖍️👶🖍️👶🖍️👶🖍️👶🖍️ ကေလးတစ္ေယာက္ဟာ ခဲတံကိုင္ၿပီးစာေရးႏုိင္ေစဖုိ႔ ( Fine Motor Skills) လက္ေခ်ာင္းၾကြက္သားေကာင္းေစဖို႔ ကေလးေတြကို လိုအပ္တ့ဲ ေလ့က်င့္မွုေတြ လုပ္ေပးရပါတယ္၊၊ ကေလးတစ္ေယာက္ ခဲတံကိုင္နိုင္ဖို႔ ဆိုတာဟာ သူ႔အတြက္ အေၿခခံ ဖံြ႔ၿဖိဳးမွု စြမး္ရည္ကို ခဲတံမကိုင္နိုင္ခင္အရြယ္မွာ အၿပည့္အ၀ရခ့ဲ မွသာ သူဟာ ခဲတံကို ေကာင္းေကာင္းကိုင္နိုင္မွာ ၿဖစ္ပါတယ္။ ဒီစြမ္းရည္ေတြဟာ ေယ်ဘုယ်အားၿဖင့္ ငါးနွစ္၊ ေၿခာက္နွစ္အရြယ္ ေရာက္မွ ကေလးခဲတံကိုင္နိုင္တ့ဲအရြယ္လို႔ ပညာရွင္ေတြက ေၿပာၾကပါတယ္။ ကေလးတို႕ ခဲတံကိုင္ဖို႕အတြက္ ကေလးဟာ သူရဲ႔ လက္ေမာင္း၊လက္ဖ်ံနဲ႔ ေက်ာကုန္း တို႔မွာ ရိွေနတ့ဲ ၾကြက္သားၾကီး ေတြ သန္စြမ္းေနဖို႔လုိအပ္ပါတယ္။ ဒီလို ၾကက္သားၾကီးေတြ သန္စြမ္းပါမွ လက္ေခ်ာင္းမွာရိွတ့ဲ ၾကြက္သားငယ္ေလးေတြ သန္စြမ္းမွာပါ။ ခဲတံကိုင္နိုင္ဖို႔အတြက္ ၾကြက္သားသန္စြမ္းရုံ ပဲလား ဆိုေတာ့ မဟုတ္ ေသးပါဘူး။ မ်က္လံုးရယ္၊လက္ရယ္ကုိ ပူးေပါင္းၿပီးေတာ့ လုပ္ေဆာင္နိုင္တ့ဲ စြမ္းရည္လို႔ ေခၚတ့ဲ (Eye-Hand Coordination) လည္း ဖံြ႔ၿဖိဳးဖို႔လိုပါတယ္။ တစ္ခ်ိန္တည္းမွာပဲ ကေလးတို႔ရဲ႔ အာရုံစူးစိုက္မွု စြမ္းရည္လို႔ ေခၚတ့ဲ Concentration လည္းအားေကာင္းဖို႔လုအပ္ပါတယ္။ ကေလးေတြဟာ ဦးေႏွာက္တစ္ခုလံုး ျပီးျပည့္စံုေအာင္ ဖံြ႔ၿဖိဳးၿပီး ေမြးလာတာ မဟုတ္ပါဘူး။ေမြးကတည္းက ပါလာတ့ဲ ဘီလ်ံနဲ႔ ခ်ီၿပီး ရိွေနတ့ဲ ဦးေနွာက္ ျႏဴရြန္ဆဲေတြ တစ္ခုနဲ႔တစ္ခု ခ်ိတ္ဆက္ဖို႔အတြက္ ကေလးအနားကပါတ္၀န္းက်င္က ကေလးကို လွံဳေဆာ္ေပးဖို႔လိုအပ္ပါတယ္။ ကေလးတို႔ စာေရးတ့ဲအခ်ိန္မွာ လက္ၾကြက္သားေတြ မသန္လို႔ စာမေရးနိုင္ၿဖစ္ရတ့ဲ အေၾကာင္းေတြထဲမွာ ဒီကာလမွာ ကေလးၿပဳစုပ်ိဳးေထာင္ပံုမွားယြင္းၿခင္းေတြေၾကာင့္လည္း အမ်ားၾကီးပါပါတယ္။ Pre Writing Skills ဆိုတာဟာ စာေရးတဲ႔စြမ္းရည္ကို ရဖို႔အတြက္ စာမေရးခင္ အၾကိဳေလက်င့္တ့ဲ စြမ္းရည္လို႕ပဲ ေခၚပါစို႔။ စာေရးဖို႔ အတက္ Pre Writing Skills မွာ- 🎈ကေလးဟာ လက္ေမာင္းလက္ဖ်ံၾကက္သားသန္ရမယ္ 🎈လက္ေခ်ာင္းၾကြက္သား ေလးေတြ သန္မာရမယ္ 🎈အာရုံစူးစိုက္မွု ရွိရမယ္ 🎈မ်က္စိနဲ႔ လက္ တသားတည္းပူးေပါင္းပါ၀င္နုိင္တဲ့ Eye-Hand Coordination ရွိရမယ္၊၊ ဒါေတြ ရၿပီဆိုတုိင္းကေလးကုိ ခဲတံ စကိုင္ခိုင္းလို႔မရပါဘူး ။ လက္ေခ်ာင္းကေလးေတြကို ေဆးနဲ႔ လက္ေခ်ာင္းပန္းခ်ီ ကစားခ့ဲ ေလ့က်င့္ခ့ဲၿပီးၿဖစ္တ့ဲ ကေလးဟာ ေရာင္စုံခဲတံ တုတ္တုတ္ၾကီး ေတြကုိ လက္ဖ၀ါးထဲမွာ ဆုတ္ၿပီးေတာ့ ေရးရမယ္။ ေရးတ့ဲအခ်ိန္မွာ ကေလးေရးခ်င္တာ ေရးပါလိ့မ္မယ္။ စာရြက္ေပၚ မွာ ေရးတယ္၊ ေဒါင္လိုက္ေရးတယ္။ ခုံေအာက္၀င္ၿပီးေတာ့ ခုံထဲမွာ ပက္လက္ေနၿပီးေရးတယ္။ အဲလိုေတြ ျခစ္ခ်င္ရာ ၿခစ္ေရးခ်င္ရာ ေရးခိုင္းရပါမယ္။ ကေလးကို လက္မ ၊လက္ညိွဳး၊ လက္ခလယ္ကို သံုးျပီးေတာ့ crayon ၾကီးၾကးီကို ကိုင္တတ္ေအာင္ဆိုတဲ႔ အဆင့္ကို ေၿဖးေၿဖး ခ်င္း တတ္လာရပါမယ္။ အဲဒီေနရာမွာ ကေလးကုိ စာေရးတတ္ ေအာင္လို႔ အေရာင္ၿခယ္ ေလ့က်င့္ခန္းလုပ္ခိုင္းတာပါ။ ကေလးဟာ Crayon သံုးၿပီးေတာ့ မ်ဥ္းေလးေတြကို အေပၚေအာက္ ဆက္ရမယ္၊ ေအာက္ကေန အေပၚကုိ ဆက္ရမယ္၊ ၿပီးေတာ့ အေကြး၊ အ၀ိွဳက ္ စတာေတြကိုဆက္ဖို႔ကိုေတာ့ ဆက္ေလက်င့္ရမွာပါ။ မိဘ၊ဆရာမ်ား အေနနဲ႔ တစ္ခုသတိၿပဳေစခ်င္တာက စာစေရးတ့ဲ ကေလးကုိ ေလ့က်င့္ေပးတ့ဲအခ်ိန္မွာ စာလုံးၾကီးၾကီး၊ ပုံၾကီးၾကီး ေတြနဲ႔ က်င့္ေပးေစခ်င္ပါတယ္။ ကေလးေတကို ခဲတံကိုင္ၿပီး စာစေရးသင့္တာက ငါးနွစ္ေက်ာ္ေၿခာက္ႏွစ္ေလာက္မွ ေရးသင့္ တာပါ။ မိဘမ်ားကုိ အၾကံၿပဳေၿပာၿပခ်င္တာကေတာ့ ကေလးကို စာေရးခိုင္းဖို႔ မေလာပါနဲ႔ လို႔ပါပဲ။ သူတို႔ စာေကာင္းေကာင္းေရးနိုင္ဖို႔ အတြက္ၾကြက္သားေတြ သန္မာဖို႔ လိုပါတယ္။ ၾကြက္သားေတြ သန္မာဖို႔အတြက ္ မ်ားမ်ားကစားဖို႔ ၊ေဆာ့ဖို႔လိုပါတယ္။ ဒါေၾကာင့္ကစားအရြယ္ကာလမွာ ကေလးတို႔ ကစားပါေစ ၊ေဆာ့ပါေစ၊ ဂ်ံဳးေလး ေတြ နယ္ပါေစ၊ သေတြနဲ႕ နယ္ပါေစ၊ ဆန္ေတြ၊ ေရေတြန ဲ႔ သြန္ေမွာက္တမ္း ကစားပါေစ။ ခုန္ပါေစ ၊ေပါက္ပါ ေစ၊ ေဘာလုံးကန္၊ေဘာလုံးပစ္ စတ့ဲ ကစားနည္းေတြလည္း ကစားပါေစ။ ကေလးကစားေနတာဟာ ကေလးတို႔ အတြက္ အေရးၾကီးတ့ ဲ အလုပ္ၾကီးကို လုပ္ေနတာပဲမို႔ သူတို႔အလုပ္မွာ ကိုယ္က၀င္ၿပီး ရွဳတ္မိေနသလို မၿဖစ္ေစဖို႔အတြက္ သတိထားမယ္ဆိုရင္ၿဖင့္ သူ႔အရြယ္နဲ႔သူ စာကို ေကာင္းေကာင္းေရး တတ္လာမွာ အေသအခ်ာပင္။ 🗝️🩸⏲️🏕️⛺⛱️🎠🏜️🏝️🗺️⛴️🚀✈️🚨🥎⚾🎾🏀 Why writing development is so Important for Early Years 👨‍👩‍👦 Every parent wants to help their child learn how to read and write successfully, but when is the right time to teach your preschooler to write? 👩‍🏫 Well, actually, you shouldn’t be teaching your young child to write at all. Instead, you should be teaching them important foundational skills instead. 🪄The stages of writing development can take on many shapes and stages over time. Writing is a form of communication and expression of ideas that your preschooler will use for a lifetime. 🎊Moreover, a person who train the children should know well the psychological and background conept of specific teaching. The reason is that it is the foundation period and you can't build a great building on a weak foundation. The important thing is that childten've got a strong foundation before they start to write or move next step. Therefore, parents and teachers need to understand the stages of writing and how it will progress to better encourage your children or preschooler over the next few years. 💌 Play Based Learning🤗🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️🐒 Children prefer dough, fingerpaints, building blocks and threading activities for a long time before becoming really capable or interested in pen/ tool focused handwriting practice. This broader play-based learning, seen through the accumulation of refined fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, core body strength and postural control, really is creating the foundations handwriting sits upon. 📝How a child holds a pen is a learning process in itself. In terms of grasp, we see children moving through phases of palmar supinate, digital pronate, static tripod and eventually to a dynamic tripod grasp (at 4-6yrs). Children move through these phases gaining overall dexterity at their own pace too. Children develop writing skills at different rates. As per stages of writing development revealed by Peggy Kaye, there are four stages : 🥇Preliterate stage: Scribbling is good (0 to 2 years) 🥈Emergent stage: Letters appear in writing (2 to 4 years) 🥉Transitional stage: Letters start to become words (4 to 7 years) 🏅Fluent stage: Spelling starts to have meaning (5 to 6 years) 🌍Preliterate stage: Scribbling is good (0 to 2 years) ✏️ The first stage of writing development ✏️ Any scribbling or drawing a child does is writing ✏️ Hold crayon in clenched fist ✏️ Understand that crayons are used for making scribbles During this stage, applaud any and all attempts to write. Children are developing their fine motor control. Their finger muscles need to be strengthened through activities such as drawing, painting, playing with playdough, etc. 🌍Emergent stage: Letters appear in writing (2 to 4 years) ✏️The second stage of writing development ✏️Draw wavy lines across the page that look like lines of text from a book ✏️Make distinct marks that look like letters and that are separated from each other ✏️Begin to understand that letters play a special role in writing. ✏️Write some actual letters, especially the letters in their name ✏️May write their name ✏️May try different kinds of writing, like writing a list or a card ✏️May start to draw pictures and label them using letters or letter-like marks During this stage, kids often reverse letters or mix them up. It might be tempting to fix your child's mistakes, but instead focus on the fun. Mistakes like this are common at this age and are part of the learning process. Encourage your child's writing and communication, and save the spelling lessons for when she's older. 🌍 Transitional stage: Letters start to become words (4 to 7 years) ✏️Hold pencil correctly and form letters accurately ✏️Know the sounds letters make and spell words based on how they sound ✏️Spell some common words that aren’t spelled the way they sound (often called sight words ) ✏️Use different endings for the same word, like walks, walking, and walked ✏️Begin to write simple sentences with correct grammar ✏️By the end of first or second grade, write a page or more about personal experiences and what they’re learning in school ✏️May start using different types of writing, like narratives and opinion papers 🌍Fluent stage: Spelling starts to have meaning (5 to 6 years) ✏️Begin to use "dictionary" spelling rather than "invented" spelling ✏️Aware that different spellings can have different meanings ✏️Begin to memorize some words, especially tricky Trying to push kids to this stage too quickly can sometimes inhibit them, as they feel the demand for perfect spelling. If you feel your child is struggling with the pressure to spell perfectly, a great way to alleviate the stress is to introduce the idea of drafts. You can emphasize that a first draft is just to get ideas out, and the second draft is to check spelling. ⚽🏐🏉🎖️🎗️🏵️🧩🎨🌏🌎🌓🌕🌗👨‍👩‍👦👨‍👩‍👧👩‍🏫👣🎓 📌Remark: Remember that all kids are different. A child might do well with one skill but still be a little behind with another. Struggling with writing doesn’t mean kids aren’t smart. Some kids just need more support to thrive as writers. Best regards; 🏫 BabyBrain – IECS ☎️☎️ – 0979 820 58 49, 0967 230 40 45 ***************************** Reference & Credit to: Khit Bhone Thit, Htay Ei Ei,Days with Grey., Gail Belsky, Tanja Mcilroy, Scholar Articles., Scientific reports & Google photos #BabyBrainonlinelearning #BabyBrainမိဘေတြဖတ္ဖို႕မွတ္စု #BabyBrainဆရာေတြဖတ္ဖို႕မွတ္စု
Company: Baby Brain – International Early childhood School- Thanlyin
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Message: 👩‍🏫Public Speaking for kids– A message for teachers and parents👩‍🏫 ကေလးေတြကို အမ်ားေရွ႔ စကားေျပာမႈစြမ္းရည္ကို ေလ့က်င့္ပ်ိဳးေထာင္ေပးျခင္း Name – Wut Yee Kyaw Home Language – Myanmar Assignment – Public Speaking Class – Online Early Years Topic – My Father👨‍👧 🦋🐠🐞🐈🌼🌺🌹🌷💐🍁🍀🦄🐣🍉🍌🥒👨‍👧 မိဘေတြဟာ ကေလးေတြရဲ႕ လက္ဦးဆရာပါ။ သူတို႔ေလးေတြ ေမြးစအရြယ္က ၾကီးလာတ့ဲအထိ ကေလးတစ္ဦးလိုအပ္တ့ဲ အေျခခံလိုအပ္ခ်က္နဲ႕ က်ြမ္းက်င္မႈေတြကို ျဖည့္ဆည္းေနသူပါ။ လူအမ်ားေရွ႔မွာ စကားေျပာနိုင္တ့ဲစြမ္းရည္ဟာ ကေလးတို႕အတြက္ လိုအပ္တ့ဲ ဆက္သြယ္မႈစြမ္းရည္ (Communication Skill) နဲ႕ (Linguistic Intelligence) ဘာသာစကားဥာဏ္ရည္ ဖြံ႕ျဖိဳးမႈကို အေထာက္အပ့ံေပးပါတယ္။ ထို႔ျပင္ မိမိကိုယ္ မိမိယံုၾကည္မႈ တိုးတက္ေစပါတယ္။ ဆရာေတြ အတန္းထဲမွာ ကေလးမ်ိဳးစံုေတြရမွာပါ။ တစ္ခ်ိဳ႕ကေလး ေတြက အမ်ားေရွ႔ စကားေျပာရမွာ အလြန္ရွက္ၾကပါတယ္။ သူတို႔ေလးေတြကို ဆရာက ဖိအားေပးျခင္းထက္ ျဖည္းျဖည္းခ်င္း ယံုၾကည္မႈတည္ေဆာက္ေစျပီး ေလ့က်င့္ေပးဖို႕ လိုအပ္ပါတယ္။ ကေလးမ်ားအား အမ်ားေရွ႔ စကားေျပာမႈစြမ္းရည္ကို ေလ့က်င့္ပ်ိဳးေထာင္ေပးျခင္းျဖင့္ ဘယ္လို အက်ိဳးေက်းဇူးေတြရမလဲ? 🐞It can be a great self-esteem booster မိမိကိုယ္မိမိ ေလးစားတန္ဖိုးထားမႈကို ျမင့္မားေစျခင္း။ သုေတသနေတြမွာ ပညာေရးစိတ္ပညာရွင္အမ်ားစုက ဒီအခ်က္ဟာ လူတစ္ေယာက္ဘဝမွာ အေကာင္းဆံုးရွင္သန္ဖို႕လိုအပ္ခ်က္လို႔ ေထာက္ျပထားပါတယ္။ ငယ္ရြယ္စဥ္ကာလမွာ မိမိကိုယ္မိမိ ေလးစားတန္ဖိုးထားျခင္းကို ေလ့က်င့္ပ်ိဳးေထာင္ခံရတ့ဲကေလးဟာ လူၾကီးတသ္ေယာက္ျဖစ္လာတ့ဲအခါ လူေကာင္းလူေတာ္ တစ္ေယာက္ျဖစ္လာဖို႕ အေျခခံအုတ္ျမစ္ပါ။ 🐞Help children to influence and persuade others more effectively မိမိရဲ႕ ေျပာလိုက္တ့ဲ စကားက အျခားသူေတြ ေသခ်ာနားလည္ လက္ခံလာေအာင္ ထိထိေရာက္ေရာက္ေျပာတတ္လာပါတယ္။ 🐞Help children to think critically and creatively ကေလးအေနနဲ႕ ဘယ္လိုေျပာရမလဲ? ဘာေျပာရမလဲ? စတာေတြကို တီထြင္ဖန္တီးျပီး ေဝဖန္ပိုင္းျခားကာ ေတြးေခၚစဥ္းစား တတ္လာတယ္။ 🐞Help them make new social connections ကေလးေတြရဲ႕ အိမ္ရဲ႕အျပင္ဘက္မွာ ရွိတ့ဲ ေက်ာင္း ဆရာမ သူငယ္ခ်င္း အျခားလူေတြစတ့ဲ လူမႈဝန္းက်င္အသစ္ကို ဆက္သြယ္လာတတ္ပါတယ္။ 🐞Help them to significantly enhance their personal relationships ကေလးေတြခ်စ္ခင္နွစ္သက္တ့ဲသူေတြနဲ႕ ဆက္သြယ္ေျပာဆိုတ့ဲအခါ သိသိသာသာ တိုးတက္လာတယ္။ 🐞Help them to just be more comfortable with people မိဘေတြက ကေလးေတြကို အျပင္ေခၚသြားတ့ဲအခါ ပတ္ဝန္းက်င္ အသစ္က လူေတြကို ရွက္မေနဘဲ ေျပာရဲဆိုရဲလာတယ္။ 🐞Help them to inspire people and even change the world အျခားသူေတြကို လႊမ္းမိုးေအာင္ လႈံ႕ေဆာ္နိုင္စြမ္းရွိလာတယ္။ ကမၻာၾကီးကိုေတာင္ ေျပာင္းလဲနိုင္တ့ဲသူေတြ နိုင္ငံေခါင္းေဆာင္ ေကာင္းေတြဟာ အမ်ားေရွ႔ ေျပာဆိုနိုင္တ့ဲစြမ္းရည္ေတြ အားေကာင္းၾကပါတယ္။ 🌼🌺🌹🌷💐🍁🍀☘️🌱🌴🌈💦❄️🎍🦚🦜🦩🦃🦈 Public Speaking for kids– A message for teachers and parents Parents are children’s first teachers, guiding their little ones through the fundamental skills children will use their whole lives, from eating and sleeping to talking and walking. Parents watch their children move from infancy to toddlerhood, from preschool to elementary school and beyond. The benefits of learning to speak confidently in public at the youngest possible age can pay huge dividends across all areas of their lives as they get older: 🍉It can be a great self-esteem booster 🍉Help children to influence and persuade others more effectively 🍉Help children to think critically and creatively 🍉Help them make new social connections 🍉Help them to significantly enhance their personal relationships 🍉Help them to just be more comfortable with people 🍉Help them to inspire people and even change the world Shall we discuss . . . . 'the how' in next post. Thank you so much for your reading. 🌱🌴🌈💦❄️🎍🦚🦜🦃🦈🦄🌽🫐🍇🍓🍡🍬🍩 Best regards; BabyBrain – IECS ☎️☎️ – 0979 820 58 49, 0967 230 40 45 ***************************** Credit to: Maurice Decastro & Wut Yee Kyaw #BabyBrainonlinelearning #BabyBrainမိဘေတြဖတ္ဖို႕မွတ္စု #BabyBrainဆရာေတြဖတ္ဖို႕မွတ္စု
Company: Baby Brain – International Early childhood School- Thanlyin
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Message: 🐠🐠San San's Project Work🦀🦀 သူငယ္တန္း(အြန္လိုင္း)ေက်ာင္းသူ စံရတီထက္၏ ပေရာဂ်က္ Name -San Yati Htet Class – KG 4 Title – 'My Family' Pr No. – 191220 🏆🏆🏆 Dear San San, ❤️ You drawing is creative and full of idea. You will be a young Picasso if you are well traine. Thank you for your input in this project work. Your effort is recognized and greatly appreciated. You are one of the great Baby Brain online students. 🦋🦐🦞🦀🐛🪲🐆🦚🎄🌲🎍🍀🌻🌞💦💧 Family first! This lesson encourages students to think about families and how diverse families can be. 🏮Learning Objectives (သင္ယူမႈ ဦးတည္ခ်က္) Students will be able to describe what they already know about families by sharing relevant details and facts about their own families. ⏰ Introduction Section(10 minutes) Brain Storm & Discussion teaching Method👩‍🏫 The day before your lesson, instruct your students to bring pictures from home that they can paste into a book that they will make. Explain to your students that they are going to be discussing families. Discuss with your students what family means to them. Potential discussion questions include: 🦩"How do families work together?" 🦩"Who is a part of a family, what are some things family members do for each other?" 🦩"What events do they share with each other?" 🦩"What are some places they go together?" 🦩"How are families the same and how are they different?" 🦩"What do families around the world look like?" 🦩"How do you feel about your family?" List on the board some details students share. Then, let them discuss with group. 🦋🦐🦞🦀🐛🪲🐆🦚🎄🌲🎍🍀🌻🌞💦💧☔❄️ ေလးစားစြာျဖင့္ BabyBrain – IECS ☎️☎️ – 0967 230 40 45 ***************************** Credit to : San Yati, her art photos & lesskn plan by education blog #BabyBrainonlinelearning #BabyBrainမိဘေတြဖတ္ဖို႕မွတ္စု #BabyBrainဆရာေတြဖတ္ဖို႕မွတ္စု

Colorado Division for Early Childhood
Company: Colorado Division for Early Childhood
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Message: This is fabulous news for children with disabilities!!!!!
Company: Colorado Division for Early Childhood
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Company: Colorado Division for Early Childhood
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Company: Colorado Division for Early Childhood
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Early Childhood Resources: Handmade, Recycled and Upcycled
Company: Early Childhood Resources: Handmade, Recycled and Upcycled
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Message: I was asked for advice on the best way to clean and care for my range of crochet products (thanks for reaching out Liz). A great question that others may be interested in knowing too. So here's my recommendations. -They can be spot cleaned with a damp cloth, dabbing at the spot which needs cleaning. -To wash them, I find it's always better to hand launder crocheted toys. Immerse the toy in cold, mild sudsy water, pressing down gently to saturate and let soak for 20-30minutes. Rinse gently in cold water. Place toys on a towel and roll towel to gently remove excess water. Arrange toys on a dry towel (shaping if necessary) and leave to dry completely. All my crocheted items are made from 100% cotton, so can be machine washed if necessary. -Cold machine wash on delicates inside a pillow case, avoid the spin cycle. Remove and place on towel, follow the above directions for removing excess water and drying.

Early Years Learning is Fun
Company: Early Years Learning is Fun
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Message: Love this idea!! 😍
Company: Early Years Learning is Fun
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Message: Absolutely adore these!! What a clever idea for some junk modelling. 😍
Company: Early Years Learning is Fun
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Message: Love this! 💕

Dave has been building and scaling companies for 20+ years—driving performance through business-aligned technology strategy, product innovation, and data integration. As a CEO, CTO, and entrepreneur, he is skilled in solving real-world problems for startups through Fortune 500 organizations. He empowers teams to deliver robust, scalable infrastructures, and powerful solutions that automate processes, improve performance outcomes, and set the stage for exponential growth.

You can reach Dave at his website: https://seamless.partners.