Global Winery Facebook Friday – 05/28/2021

Dave Kearney Global Wineries, Global Wineries Facebook Friday, Social Analytics

From 5/14/21 to 5/28/21

We follow the social marketing habits of an ever-growing number of Global Winery companies. The information included in this report shows social marketing usage along with the specific information to help our clients market better.

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Facebook Biggest Movers

This section shows which organizations had the largest change in the number of facebook followers over this time period. The positive change may be caused by their posts or other marketing programs such as events

Biggest Change in Facebook Followers
Top Mover Post Count Past Likes Current Likes Change
Fulvia Tombolini – Vigne e vini dal 1921 4 1269 1619 +28%
Cantina il Poggio 3 1043 1299 +25%
Traverse Wine Coast 7 661 812 +23%
Favalora Vineyards Winery 0 523 624 +19%
Cave Spring Cellars 4 2638 3123 +18%
Rio Grande Vineyard and Winery 11 4307 5074 +18%
Wijndomein Hoenshof 1 1053 1214 +15%
Kracher Weinlaubenhof 4 5919 6646 +12%
Southold Farm + Cellar 1 2359 2652 +12%
Tenuta Fertuna 0 3273 3654 +12%

Facebook Biggest Movers' Posts

This section shows the top posts of the organizations with the largest change in the number of facebook followers. The posts below may have had some impact on the positive change in followers.

Cantina il Poggio
Company: Cantina il Poggio
Company Likes: 1299
Post Likes: 15
Post Shares: 13
Post Comments: 0
Message: Manca poco al grande giorno, un grande in bocca al lupo a tutte le cantine che quest'anno si contendo la XXV° Cosèta d'Or!! Vi aspettiamo domenica per un doppio appuntamento: – alle ore 10 su questa pagina, in diretta dalla Rocca Sanvitale l'apertura dei lavori della commissione giudicatrice formata dai sommelier accreditati AIS Emilia per la nomina della miglior Malvasia, – alle ore 17, sempre in Rocca Sanvitale la cerimonia di consegna della XXV° Cosèta d'Or. Che vinca il migliore! Ca'Nova Vigne e Vini Agriturismo Al Vigneto Cantine Cerdelli Cantina il Poggio Lamoretti Azienda Agricola Palazzo Vigneti Calzetti ProLoco Sala Baganza Consorzio Vini Colli di Parma AIS Emilia Comune di Sala Baganza Parchi del Ducato Visit Emilia Iat – Unione Pedemontana Parmense Unione Pedemontana Parmense GAL del Ducato sconsrl Musei del Cibo di Parma Strada del Prosciutto e dei Vini dei Colli di Parma Assaggiami
Company: Cantina il Poggio
Company Likes: 1299
Post Likes: 17
Post Shares: 1
Post Comments: 0
Message: Cantina il Poggio partecipa anche quest'anno al Festival della Malvasia Cosèta d'Or, come sempre uno splendido palcoscenico dove raccontare quello che siamo. In questo filmato, un piccolo estratto di noi, dei nostri vini e della nostra bellissima tenuta, pronta ad accogliervi. Noi siamo artigiani: Le persone che lavorano in vigna e in cantina sono le stesse che accolgono visitatori e curiosi. La nostra passione ci guida attraverso la storia del fare vino, nelle tecniche d’avanguardia che utilizziamo. Parmigianino è il nostro punto di partenza, così come lo è nelle nostre degustazioni in Cantina. Perché è Malvasia Aromatica di Candia, quindi il territorio all'ennesima potenza. Vinificata in quello che dal dopoguerra è il metodo divenuto tradizionale, ovvero il Metodo Martinotti, che esalta le note fruttate ed erbacee di questa uva. Per questo è un punto di partenza, è espressione del nostro territorio e della tradizione, da qui si può andare avanti o indietro. Noi abbiamo scelto per una terza strada, che potete scoprire in cantina. Luca Gualdana Filippo Rizzoli Mattia Ravanetti
Company: Cantina il Poggio
Company Likes: 1299
Post Likes: 10
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: "Il bello del vino è che, per due ore, i tuoi problemi sono di altri.." (Pedro Ruiz) Maggio, relax all'ombra con gli amici, sorseggiando qualcosa di fresco, buono e unico. Ogni mese i Wine Expert di Cantina il Poggio si mettono in gioco per te e creano l'abbinamento perfetto con i migliori vini della Cantina. Perchè la stagionalità non è solo per i piatti, ma anche per i calici: per i più fini, l'armonia varia addirittura per vini da giorno e vini da sera. Un gioco, e come ogni gioco va preso molto seriamente, con la curiosità e la voglia di sperimentare cose nuove. Il Cucchiaio d'Argento per questo mese svela la sua anima fresca e prêt-à-porter, con piatti dall'indole giocosa e perchè no, da preparare tutti insieme in famiglia. Primizie come i fiori zucca, zucchine e fagiolini, ma anche qualcosa di più liffo e goloso, direttamente dalle malghe d'alta quota, in accompagnamento con il miele, supporto naturale alla nostra energia quotidiana, che non è mai abbastanza!!! Il vino perfetto?

Cave Spring Cellars
Company: Cave Spring Cellars
Company Likes: 3123
Post Likes: 36
Post Shares: 5
Post Comments: 17
Message: When…?…we are given the green light to open our doors once again, here’s a little teaser of what you can look forward to. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Grab your bubble of friends and head to wine country for a seriously delicious ⁣⁣ Cave Spring 𝗪𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐀𝐝𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞. ⁣⁣ This private experience can be enjoyed at either of our tasting rooms, Winery or Vineyard. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ The adventure begins with crisp sparkling wine while we take you back in time to the winery’s origins. Dive into a palate extravaganza, as we pair four exclusive wines with 𝐈𝐧𝐧 𝐎𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 Chef Sheila Polingga’s knockout flavourful bites. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ This is how a weekend should be spent. Amazing wine. Incredible food. The best of friends. And the most gorgeous backdrop. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ We cannot wait to welcome you back to Niagara wine country. 🍷😊🥂⁣⁣
Company: Cave Spring Cellars
Company Likes: 3123
Post Likes: 23
Post Shares: 1
Post Comments: 5
Message: 𝐅𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭⁣ /flīt/⁣ 🍷 the action of fleeing or attempting to escape.⁣ 🍷 a selection of small portions of a particular type of drink intended to be tasted together for the purpose of comparison.⁣ ⁣ Whichever flight you seek, we’ll offer both when we can open our doors again. ⁣ ⁣
Company: Cave Spring Cellars
Company Likes: 3123
Post Likes: 29
Post Shares: 1
Post Comments: 0
Message: A beautiful light at the end of this tunnel we find ourselves in. ⁣ ⁣ Summer will soon be here and with it, road trips to wine country. We’ll still have to play it safe for sure but we can get a much needed change of scenery. ⁣ ⁣ Breathe in the fresh country air, soak in the gorgeous vistas and relax with the best wines. How about a picnic in the vineyard? All this awaits…in your own backyard. ⁣ ⁣ Life is looking good again! We’ll see you soon at Cave Spring Vineyard. ⁣
Company: Cave Spring Cellars
Company Likes: 3123
Post Likes: 10
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 2
Message: How deliciously fabulous does this sound?

Fulvia Tombolini – Vigne e vini dal 1921
Company: Fulvia Tombolini – Vigne e vini dal 1921
Company Likes: 1619
Post Likes: 67
Post Shares: 6
Post Comments: 4
Message: The first wine container in history was the amphora and Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi had the honor, for almost 70 years, of being packaged in one of the few original Italian bottle shapes: the green amphora. That's why we decided to celebrate it with the new Tombolini "100 years" amphora. Discover all the features that are hidden in its shape:
Company: Fulvia Tombolini – Vigne e vini dal 1921
Company Likes: 1619
Post Likes: 108
Post Shares: 1
Post Comments: 3
Message: We select and harvest grapes strictly by hand and move them quickly to the cellar where the bunches are placed whole in the press. Thanks to a great harvest, carried out in the third decade of September and among the best of the last 20 years, we have obtained a wine with a rich aromatic bouquet, balanced flavor and surprising freshness: Doroverde
Company: Fulvia Tombolini – Vigne e vini dal 1921
Company Likes: 1619
Post Likes: 68
Post Shares: 2
Post Comments: 1
Message: Doroverde's balance between character and elegance is pursued by perfecting every step, from the vineyard to the cellar where the wine is refined and matured in a combination of concrete and steel.
Company: Fulvia Tombolini – Vigne e vini dal 1921
Company Likes: 1619
Post Likes: 39
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 1
Message: Doroverde, our Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC Classico Superiore, is now available in our store. Our brand new Tombolini “100 years” amphora celebrates tradition while paying tribute to a regional territory icon and Italian enological history. If Castelli di Jesi are Verdicchio, Verdicchio is the amphora. Tombolini uses it since 1954. Visit our store:

Kracher Weinlaubenhof
Company: Kracher Weinlaubenhof
Company Likes: 6646
Post Likes: 305
Post Shares: 11
Post Comments: 0
Message: Einen schönen Nachmittag aus den Weingärten in Illmitz! #kracher #edelsüßeweine #sweetpower #illmitz #burgenland
Company: Kracher Weinlaubenhof
Company Likes: 6646
Post Likes: 22
Post Shares: 2
Post Comments: 0
Message: Helles Gelb, Silberreflexe. Intensiver Honigtuch, Aromen von reifem Steinobst, zarte Kräuterwürze, mineralische Nuancen. Saftige gelbe Fruchtnuancen, lebendige Säure, elegant und ausgewogen, salzig, Mandarinen im Abgang, sehr gutes Zukunftspotenzial: #kracher #edelsüßeweine #sweetpower #TBA #illmitz #burgenland #shop
Company: Kracher Weinlaubenhof
Company Likes: 6646
Post Likes: 11
Post Shares: 2
Post Comments: 0
Message: Wir gönnen uns heute einen LAKE‘S SWIZZLE! 🍸 Zutaten: 6 cl Kracher TBA Traminer 4 cl Chartreuse grün 3 cl frische Limette 1 cl Zuckersirup Zubereitung: Ein Becherglas mit crushed Ice befüllen. Alle Zutaten hinzugeben und kräftig verrühren. Das Glas mit crushed Ice auffüllen und dekorieren. #kracher #edelsüßeweine #sweetpower #cocktails #TBA #illmitz #burgenland
Company: Kracher Weinlaubenhof
Company Likes: 6646
Post Likes: 13
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: Rund 120 Storchen-Paare nisten derzeit im Burgenland. #kracher #edelsüßeweine #sweetpower #illmitz #burgenland Credit: Karl Allen Lugmayer/ShSt

Rio Grande Vineyard and Winery
Company: Rio Grande Vineyard and Winery
Company Likes: 5074
Post Likes: 54
Post Shares: 3
Post Comments: 7
Message: Ready for the weekend and ready to let go? It's always Land of Mañana at Rio Grande Winery!
Company: Rio Grande Vineyard and Winery
Company Likes: 5074
Post Likes: 30
Post Shares: 4
Post Comments: 0
Message: We love watching the sunrise over the Organ Mountains from our vineyards.
Company: Rio Grande Vineyard and Winery
Company Likes: 5074
Post Likes: 28
Post Shares: 3
Post Comments: 1
Message: Always a fun time at Rio Grande Winery on the weekends!
Company: Rio Grande Vineyard and Winery
Company Likes: 5074
Post Likes: 8
Post Shares: 2
Post Comments: 3
Message: Follow the sleepy pecan orchards that pave the way down Highway 28 to the Rio Grande Winery for a true taste of the southwest. Enjoy America's oldest wine region with some of the finest of New Mexico Wines.
Company: Rio Grande Vineyard and Winery
Company Likes: 5074
Post Likes: 16
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 1
Message: La Viña is New Mexico's oldest existing winery, established in 1977. Located in the heart of the Mesilla Valley, La Viña produces estate bottled wines in its state of the art winery. Enjoy dry reds such as Merlot and Cabernet or sweet sparkling Muscat or Port. Just Minutes away from El Paso and Las Cruces, La Viña offers tasting and tours at 11:30a.m. (by appointment) Bring a picnic and enjoy the patio and park like yard. Cash and checks accepted. ATM on premise.

Southold Farm + Cellar
Company: Southold Farm + Cellar
Company Likes: 2652
Post Likes: 2
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: You can work late, OR you can play hooky with us and the fine folks from @butlerpitchandputt + @mayfieldselections on Wednesday, May 19. After all, it's golfin' season, which means it's also time to unleash more Piquette to the masses. So swing by (get it?), and we'll help ya beat the heat with cans of the good stuff!

Traverse Wine Coast
Company: Traverse Wine Coast
Company Likes: 812
Post Likes: 18
Post Shares: 2
Post Comments: 0
Message: Just a friendly reminder from the wineries on the #TraverseWineCoast. 🍷
Company: Traverse Wine Coast
Company Likes: 812
Post Likes: 11
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 2
Message: On the porch, on the boat, at the beach, at a small gathering, etc…Whichever way you plan to socialize this summer, the #TraverseWineCoast offers a menu of wines so diverse that you’ll always find something just right for your gathering.
Company: Traverse Wine Coast
Company Likes: 812
Post Likes: 6
Post Shares: 1
Post Comments: 0
Message: FUN FACT FRIDAY! 🍷 It's all about Rosé. What grapes is it made from? Is it dry or sweet? How is it made in the winery? Watch the video below from Think Fresh Consulting to learn more!
Company: Traverse Wine Coast
Company Likes: 812
Post Likes: 6
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: FUN FACT FRIDAY! It all starts in the vineyard… 🍇 Content and photo by Black Star Farms: We are currently in the beginning phase of our vineyards’ growing season, known as “bud break”. Bud break is the term used to describe when a grape vine comes out of winter dormancy and begins to push its sap up from the trunk into the canes. The rising sap causes the dormant buds to gradually swell until they burst open into new growths. It is from these new growths that either a leaf or fruit-bearing shoot will develop.
Company: Traverse Wine Coast
Company Likes: 812
Post Likes: 5
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: It was the perfect weekend for our Traverse Wine Coast Package! It culminated in our Wine Dinner at the plaza tent. Cheers to the start of a fantastic summer! #gtresort #traversecity #tcuncorked #traversewinecoastweekend #wine #michiganwine Thanks to our partners: Traverse City Tourism, Traverse Wine Coast, and Traverse City Uncorked.

Wijndomein Hoenshof
Company: Wijndomein Hoenshof
Company Likes: 1214
Post Likes: 23
Post Shares: 1
Post Comments: 1
Message: CABERNET BLANC😱 Wait a minute? You read it right. Shocking but real! Cabernet Balnc it is a crossing of the French grape Cabernet Sauvignon and an unknown hybrid grape variety. Hoenshof Cabernet Blanc🤩: bright refreshing aroma| herbaceous | black currant | capsicum | tomato leaf | juicy taste | lovely balance | oily texture WHY DO WE CULTIVATE CABERNET BLANC: ✔️ strong resistance to grape diseases ✔️ produces loose clusters of small thick-skinned grapes ✔️ can be harvested late ✔️suitable for the Haspengouw climate Never stop discovering new🥂 #wijndomeinhoenshof #wijndomeinhelshoven #jeromwinery #borgloon #belgischewijn #belgianwine #koopbelgisch #kooplokaal #limburgsewijnen #belgisch #limburgsewijn #wijnmaker #wineofBelgium #Belgianwine #Haspengouw #altijdlimburg #Helshovenkapel #hesbaye #limburg #limburgwine #cabernetblanc #belgiancabernetblanc #hoenshofcabernetblanc

Dave has been building and scaling companies for 20+ years—driving performance through business-aligned technology strategy, product innovation, and data integration. As a CEO, CTO, and entrepreneur, he is skilled in solving real-world problems for startups through Fortune 500 organizations. He empowers teams to deliver robust, scalable infrastructures, and powerful solutions that automate processes, improve performance outcomes, and set the stage for exponential growth.

You can reach Dave at his website: