Global Winery Sunday Summary – 09/19/2021

Dave Kearney Global Wineries, Global Wineries Sunday Summary, Social Analytics

From 9/5/21 to 9/19/21

We follow the social marketing habits of an ever-growing number of Global Winery companies. The information included in this report shows social marketing usage along with the specific information to help our clients market better.

At Seamless.Partners, we work hard to make sure our information is valuable to you and your colleagues. If you can think of something we should change or add, please let us know. Get in Touch

Global Winery Social Account Usage

The chart below shows the percentage of Global Winery companies that utilize each of the most popular social channels.

Social Account Usage Among Global Winery
Type Percent
facebook 98%
instagram 54%
twitter 50%
youtube 28%
pinterest 19%
tripadvisor 15%
linkedin 12%
yelp 9%
tumblr 3%
foursquare 1%

Facebook Frequency and Top Posters

This section shows the percentage of Global Winery companies that posted a quantity of articles during this time period. As you can see, a large percentage posted 0 articles, while a small percentage posted over 10 times The table shows which companies posted the most number of times.

Top Facebook Posters This Week
Company Posts
Italia a Tavola 144 81
Wyldewood Cellars Winery 66
Gervasi Vineyard 50

Facebook Biggest Movers

The information in this section shows which facebook posters had the largest change in the number of page likes over the last month and quarter. This information is highly correlated with the number and quality of their posts.

Top Facebook Pages With The Biggest Change In Likes This Quarter
Company Change
Weingut von Othegraven +539%
Gratien et Meyer +205%
Azienda Agricola Scompiglio +85%
Podere Casanova Montepulciano +81%
Tumwater Vineyard +75%
Croft Port +74%
Brandlin Vineyard +56%
Joel Gott Wines +51%
Running Vines Winery +47%
Vignobles Terrassous +45%
Top Facebook Pages With The Biggest Change In Likes This Month
Company Change
Weingut von Othegraven +526%
Podere Casanova Montepulciano +50%
Vignobles Terrassous +39%
Tumwater Vineyard +35%
MBX Grapes Vineyard +29%
Van Ardi Winery +19%
Sleeping Giant Fruit Winery +18%
Asuncion Ridge Vineyards +17%
Azienda Agricola Scompiglio +17%
Domaine des Herbauges – Choblet +16%

Facebook Post Days

This chart displays how many Global Winery posts happened on each day of the week. It shows the most popular days of posting compared to the end users propensity to like a post.

9/19/21 Global Winery Facebook Post Days

Facebook Post Hours

This chart displays how many Global Winery posts happened on each hour of the day. It shows the most popular hours of posting compared to the end users propensity to like a post. Hours are in pacific time.

9/19/21 Global Winery Facebook Post Hours

Top 5 Facebook Posts

These are the facebook posts that received the most likes relative to their corporate page likes.

Company: Weingut Meyer-Näkel
Company Likes: 3689
Post Likes: 1536
Post Shares: 194
Post Comments: 119
Message: ALLES IST ANDERS Alles hat sich verändert. Unser Leben, die Landschaft, die Dörfer und Städte und auch die Menschen. Jeder von uns hier an der Ahr hat sein sprichwörtliches Päckchen zu tragen, jeder hat seine eigene Geschichte in der Flutnacht erlebt und jeder steht am Ende seines Lebens VOR und am Anfang seines Lebens NACH dieser Naturgewalt. Sogar die Sicht auf die Dinge hat sich verändert. Man weiß jetzt, was wirklich wichtig ist. Natürlich hadert man in manchen Momenten mit diesem Schicksal. ABER. Wir lieben diese Region und ihre Menschen. Das ist unsere HEIMAT und hier sind wir seit Generationen verwurzelt. Hier wachsen unsere Reben und hier entstehen unsere Weine. Deshalb bauen wir auch alles wieder auf. Wir haben die einmalige Chance die Dinge noch einmal neu zu denken. Wir machen es besser. Jetzt erst recht! Das haben wir als Schwestern bereits in der Flutnacht beschlossen und unsere Familien bestärken uns tagtäglich darin, denn besonders ohne deren unglaubliche Unterstützung wäre Vieles nicht möglich. @markus_klumpp @weingut_klumpp @david_weimann Mittlerweile haben wir mit Hilfe vieler Freiwilliger und Winzerkollegen den gröbsten Dreck, Schlamm und Schutt beseitigt und die Produktionsgebäude notdürftig wieder hergerichtet, sodass wir die Ernte 2021 glücklicherweise an gewohntem Ort einbringen und vinifizieren können. Dafür müssen wir uns bei so unglaublich vielen Menschen bedanken. Allen voran bei unseren Mitarbeitern, die diesen steinigen Weg mit uns gehen sowie bei unseren Winzerfreunden aus ganz Deutschland, die uns mit so viel Manpower, Organisation, Ideen und Material unterstützt haben und auch immer noch unterstützen, die in den schlimmsten Zeiten sogar manchmal das Denken für uns übernommen haben, weil wir es gerade nicht mehr so gut konnten. Es wird ein weiter Weg für den wir einen langen Atem benötigen werden. Aber mit so viel positiver Energie an unserer Seite werden wir es schaffen. 💜 #ahr
Company: Three Oak Vineyards and Winery/ Three Oak Wines
Company Likes: 3571
Post Likes: 1152
Post Shares: 15
Post Comments: 35
Message: Albert Lea, MN was nothing short of amazing! It’s safe to say these little girls stole the show! I referred to them as “The Joyettes” and they spent most of my last set on stage 💕 I just had to get their moms in on the fun too! I also got to try two brand new wines from Three Oak Vineyards and Winery/ Three Oak Wines and they were delish! Also pictured is my “dented” shins from my boots which is why I ended up yet again in my Crocs 🤣💁‍♀️ Head to toe: Dillard's
Company: Westwood Estate Wines
Company Likes: 2521
Post Likes: 572
Post Shares: 20
Post Comments: 7
Message: Wherever wine grapes are grown, it is beautiful 🍇
Company: Aj's wine & bistro – 亞傑克斯
Company Likes: 8431
Post Likes: 1848
Post Shares: 39
Post Comments: 44
Message: 謝謝 Aj's wine & bistro – 亞傑克斯 #晚上8點準時上片
大家不喜歡看我調酒 只喜歡看我喝酒嗎?😂 看ㄧ下啦!看ㄧ下❤️ #連結在限時動態唷🔗
Company: Priest Ranch Wines
Company Likes: 1529
Post Likes: 272
Post Shares: 15
Post Comments: 1
Message: While summer may be officially over, there are still warm days ahead! Our canned wines, insulated wine glasses and wine growlers are must-have accessories for any pool, beach or picnic outing. Visit our downtown Yountville tasting room to stock up!

Twitter Frequency and Top Tweeters

This section shows the percentage of Global Winery companies that tweeted a quantity of articles this week. As you can see, a large percentage tweeted 0 articles, while a small percentage tweeted over 10 times The table shows which companies tweeted the most number of times.

Twitter Biggest Movers

The information in this section shows which twitter tweeters had the largest change in the number of page likes over the last month and quarter. This information is highly correlated with the number and quality of their tweets.

Top Twitter Pages With The Biggest Change In Likes This Quarter
Company Change
JaM Cellars +39.9%
Costières de Nîmes (Officiel) +24.7%
Tina Cellar +10.8%
the JackaL +9.8%
UPPA Winery +9.7%
Вина Бани +9.7%
Lavender Oak Vineyard +7.8%
Hencote – Accommodation & Vineyard +7.1%
Finca Las Nubes +6.5%
Moët Hennessy +6.2%
Top Twitter Pages With The Biggest Change In Likes This Month
Company Change
JaM Cellars +16.9%
Lavender Oak Vineyard +2.9%
St. Clement Vineyards +2.6%
Etude +2.6%
UPPA Winery +2.5%
Вина Бани +2.5%
Delille Cellars Doyenne +2.2%
Mahanahills boutique vineyard and winery +2%
Finca Las Nubes +1.9%
Domaine Faiveley +1.9%

Twitter Tweet Days

This chart displays how many Global Winery tweets happened on each day of the week. It shows the most popular days of tweeting compared to the end users propensity to like a tweet.

9/19/21 Global Winery Twitter Tweet Days

Twitter Tweet Hours

This chart displays how many Global Winery tweets happened on each hour of the day. It shows the most popular hours of tweeting compared to the end users propensity to like a tweet. Hours are in pacific time.

9/19/21 Global Winery Twitter Tweet Hours

Top 5 Tweets

These are the tweets that received the most likes relative to their corporate page likes.

Company: Warwick Winery & Vineyard – Warwick, NY
Company Followers: 123178
Retweets: 80
Description: 23 ( )
Tweet Text: .

Company: Artadi Bodegas y Viñedos
Company Followers: 92273
Retweets: 71
Description: Diputada de @JuntsXCat. Regidora i presidenta del Grup Municipal de @JuntsxCatBCN a lAjuntament de Barcelona. Arribaré allà on @quimforn no pugui arribar.
Tweet Text: Demostració de que la ciutadania segueix mobilitzada i compromesa. I si tot és possible és gràcies a vosaltres que

Company: Artadi Bodegas y Viñedos
Company Followers: 92273
Retweets: 56
Description: Diputada de @JuntsXCat. Regidora i presidenta del Grup Municipal de @JuntsxCatBCN a lAjuntament de Barcelona. Arribaré allà on @quimforn no pugui arribar.
Tweet Text: Com cada any, ens retrobem al Fossar de les Moreres per retre homenatge als defensors de Barcelona caiguts durant e

Company: King Estate Winery and Vinyards
Company Followers: 230
Retweets: 53
Description: /. / – @sophiawindsors est. 2020
Tweet Text: : , ,

Company: Blue Valley Vineyard and Winery
Company Followers: 3466
Retweets: 45
Description: Top-Rated eBay Seller. Lover of Furry Four Legged Folks & Of Course, The Beach #seashelladdict #handmade #ebay #fashion Member of #ROCteam #ebayROCteam
Tweet Text: Vineyard Vines Slim Fit Whale #Shirt Long Sleeve Logo Blue/Green/White Size M | eBay #vineyardvine #mensshirts

+ posts

Dave has been building and scaling companies for 20+ years—driving performance through business-aligned technology strategy, product innovation, and data integration. As a CEO, CTO, and entrepreneur, he is skilled in solving real-world problems for startups through Fortune 500 organizations. He empowers teams to deliver robust, scalable infrastructures, and powerful solutions that automate processes, improve performance outcomes, and set the stage for exponential growth.

You can reach Dave at his website: