Transfer and Integration Facebook Friday – 01/07/2022

Dave Kearney Social Analytics, Transfer and Integration, Transfer and Integration Facebook Friday

From 12/24/21 to 1/7/22

We follow the social marketing habits of an ever-growing number of Transfer and Integration companies. The information included in this report shows social marketing usage along with the specific information to help our clients market better.

At Seamless.Partners, we work hard to make sure our information is valuable to you and your colleagues. If you can think of something we should change or add, please let us know. Get in Touch

Facebook Biggest Movers

This section shows which organizations had the largest change in the number of facebook followers over this time period. The positive change may be caused by their posts or other marketing programs such as events

Biggest Change in Facebook Followers
Top Mover Post Count Past Likes Current Likes Change
Axway 2 2265 2283 +1%
jscape 4 483 484 +0%
Software AG 0 5484 5498 +0%

Facebook Biggest Movers' Posts

This section shows the top posts of the organizations with the largest change in the number of facebook followers. The posts below may have had some impact on the positive change in followers.

Company: Axway
Company Likes: 2283
Post Likes: 7
Post Shares: 1
Post Comments: 0
Message: With gratitude, we wish you a joyful holiday season. #HappyHolidays from all of us at Axway.
Company: Axway
Company Likes: 2283
Post Likes: 3
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: Entreprise Axway Bravo pour vos belles valeurs ! Vous êtes formidables .

Company: Jitterbit
Company Likes:
Post Likes: 1
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: Happy New Year from the Jitterbit family! Wishing you health, prosperity and happiness in the new year. Cheers to 2022!
Company: Jitterbit
Company Likes:
Post Likes: 2
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: Want to create a better employee onboarding and offboarding experience? Check out this on-demand webinar to learn best practices for streamlining key parts of the process, including: – Employee provisioning and de-provisioning – HCM based process control – Managing an active directory – Eliminating manual processes and streamlining workflows
Company: Jitterbit
Company Likes:
Post Likes: 2
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: We are constantly on the lookout for talented, energetic, customer oriented team players to join our team. We encourage you to learn more about Jitterbit and submit your resume. The right position could be waiting for you!
Company: Jitterbit
Company Likes:
Post Likes: 2
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: E-commerce is thriving, and companies urgently need to integrate their e-commerce systems with the rest of the applications that run their business. Unfortunately, there are many ways for these types of projects to get stalled. Here are 5 of the most common yet easily avoidable errors that we’ve faced helping our customers link disparate systems: 1️⃣ Taking on too much at once 2️⃣ Not assembling a cross-functional team 3️⃣ Not planning for naturally occurring variances 4️⃣ Lack of information 5️⃣ Replicating outmoded process Download the ebook to find out how to avoid these pitfalls and ensure your #e-commerce #integration projects stay on track:
Company: Jitterbit
Company Likes:
Post Likes: 0
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: 5 benefits of a solid Applicant Tracking System (ATS) integration strategy 💥 Accelerated candidate discovery 💥 Superior candidate engagement 💥 Increased hiring credibility among candidates 💥 Accelerated onboarding 💥 Higher productivity once hired

Company: jscape
Company Likes: 484
Post Likes: 1
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 1
Message: Applying Digital Signatures on AS2 MDNs (Message Disposition Notifications) #sysadmin #filetransfer #cybersecurity #mft
Company: jscape
Company Likes: 484
Post Likes: 1
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: Use JSCAPE MFT Server with Multi-Cloud Storage Solutions #sysadmin #filetransfer #googlecloud #mft #cloud
Company: jscape
Company Likes: 484
Post Likes: 1
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: Request your price quote today for a reliable, secure all-in-one file transfer solution that supports any protocol, any platform, any deployment. #mft #mftserver #data #filetransfer #JSCAPE
Company: jscape
Company Likes: 484
Post Likes: 0
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: How To Schedule Automated File Uploads From Your Server To Google Storage #sysadmin #filetransfer #googlecloud #cloud #mft

Dave has been building and scaling companies for 20+ years—driving performance through business-aligned technology strategy, product innovation, and data integration. As a CEO, CTO, and entrepreneur, he is skilled in solving real-world problems for startups through Fortune 500 organizations. He empowers teams to deliver robust, scalable infrastructures, and powerful solutions that automate processes, improve performance outcomes, and set the stage for exponential growth.

You can reach Dave at his website: