Transfer and Integration Facebook Friday – 04/08/2022

Dave Kearney Social Analytics, Transfer and Integration, Transfer and Integration Facebook Friday

From 3/25/22 to 4/8/22

We follow the social marketing habits of an ever-growing number of Transfer and Integration companies. The information included in this report shows social marketing usage along with the specific information to help our clients market better.

At Seamless.Partners, we work hard to make sure our information is valuable to you and your colleagues. If you can think of something we should change or add, please let us know. Get in Touch

Facebook Biggest Movers

This section shows which organizations had the largest change in the number of facebook followers over this time period. The positive change may be caused by their posts or other marketing programs such as events

Biggest Change in Facebook Followers
Top Mover Post Count Past Likes Current Likes Change
IBM 0 1138049 1138131 +0%
Jitterbit 0 764 767 +0%

Facebook Biggest Movers' Posts

This section shows the top posts of the organizations with the largest change in the number of facebook followers. The posts below may have had some impact on the positive change in followers.

Company: Axway
Company Likes:
Post Likes: 9
Post Shares: 1
Post Comments: 0
Message: Our Griffins participated as jurors for the Ambition category within the Digital Finance Awards frame, and we could not be prouder. In this category they were assigned with the mission to find the project with the most ambitious goals in #DataOrganization and other variables as its scope, looking to evolve culture, process, and organization. Thank you for your compromise, Griffins! #BetterTogether #DigitalTransformation
Company: Axway
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Post Likes: 1
Post Shares: 1
Post Comments: 0
Message: The need for #DigitalDisruption in the world of #education goes far beyond an appetite for new technology to play with. It encompasses large-scale systemic issues with existing pathways to the workforce and traditional methods of learning and work. Catch the latest episode of #TransformItForward as Paul French sits down with Kristina Francis, Head of JFFLabs at JFF to discuss the modernization and digitization of education. 🎧 LISTEN NOW:
Company: Axway
Company Likes:
Post Likes: 2
Post Shares: 1
Post Comments: 0
Message: We are beyond excited to bring you a first look into a special project we have been developing during the last few months. It has been an effort from various Griffins, bringing the spirit of being #BetterTogether to action. Look for more details to come from this project! #TeamWork #Photoshoot
Company: Axway
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Post Likes: 0
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Post Comments: 0
Message: Estudo da empresa de tecnologia Axway indica que 46,3% dos brasileiros já sabem o que é o open banking, 46% já ouviram falar, mas não sabem o que é, enquanto apenas 7,7% nunca ouviram falar sobre o tema. O sistema de compartilhamento de informações entre bancos e clientes, capitaneado pelo Banco Central do Brasil, está na quarta e última fase de implementação. Inicialmente chamado de open banking, o conceito evoluiu para open finance ao englobar informações e produtos que vão além dos serviços bancários tradicionais. O primeiro ano de implementação deste sistema registrou 231,1 milhões de chamadas bem-sucedidas entre os participantes para o compartilhamento de dados, que deverão aumentar gradativamente ao longo dos próximos anos. Veja mais na noomis: #openbanking #openfinance
Company: Axway
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Post Likes: 4
Post Shares: 1
Post Comments: 0
Message: Today is #AprilFoolsDay, so why not make the most of it by doing something you enjoy? It doesn't matter how silly you appear as long as you're having a good time! Have a fantastic day. We are #BetterTogether.

Company: jscape
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Post Likes: 0
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Post Comments: 0
Message: Are You Satisfied With Your MFT Vendor? Our managed file transfer (MFT) customers are often not first-time #MFT clients. Many of them have already purchased a solution from another vendor only to find that some of their newer requirements weren't being met. #sysadmin #filetransfer #businessprocessautomation
Company: jscape
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Post Likes: 1
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: Use JSCAPE MFT Server with Multi-Cloud Storage Solutions #sysadmin #filetransfer #googlecloud #mft #cloud
Company: jscape
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Post Likes: 0
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Post Comments: 0
Message: As a hub and spoke network topology, JSCAPE MFT Server can synchronize files with ease from hub to hub, hub to spoke or spoke to spoke. #mft #filetransfer
Company: jscape
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Post Likes: 1
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Post Comments: 0
Message: Rather than requiring custom scripting, most #MFT solutions provide low-code/no-code automation capabilities that enable users to schedule or execute transfers in real time based on events. Check out these automated file transfer solutions:
Company: jscape
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Message: Organizations suffering from poor network conditions like high latency and packet loss would benefit greatly from JSCAPE's Accelerated File Transfer Protocol (AFTP) service. We will walk through how to enable #AFTP in your JSCAPE #MFT Server instance in this video. Download the FREE, Starter Edition of JSCAPE MFT Server to follow this tutorial

Software AG
Company: Software AG
Company Likes:
Post Likes: 6
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: Industrial product manufacturers are updating their business and delivering new services. Find out why IoT at the edge is a good way to get started—register for our new webinar with Beecham Research. Sign up now:
Company: Software AG
Company Likes:
Post Likes: 6
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: In this report, you’ll learn how to implement a hybrid integration platform that lets you move to the cloud while extending the value of your core systems. View the report:
Company: Software AG
Company Likes:
Post Likes: 2
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: Start connecting your apps with the platform preferred by many of the world’s best-known brands. Try webMethods today:
Company: Software AG
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Post Likes: 1
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: Building up integration expertise is essential at i8c. Next to our core integration topics, this also includes knowledge of public cloud offerings. Congratulations José for building up Microsoft Azure knowledge next to your IBM and Software AG know-how. This certification is another great achievement! #microsoftazure #integration #i8ccommunity #azure
Company: Software AG
Company Likes:
Post Likes: 8
Post Shares: 1
Post Comments: 0
Message: Software AG has been shortlisted with its customer conference conXion 2021 in the Corporate Content Awards for the categories ‘Best Use of Content in a Live or Experiential Setting’ and in ‘Most Creative Use of Owned Media Channels’.

Dave has been building and scaling companies for 20+ years—driving performance through business-aligned technology strategy, product innovation, and data integration. As a CEO, CTO, and entrepreneur, he is skilled in solving real-world problems for startups through Fortune 500 organizations. He empowers teams to deliver robust, scalable infrastructures, and powerful solutions that automate processes, improve performance outcomes, and set the stage for exponential growth.

You can reach Dave at his website: