Transfer and Integration Facebook Friday – 07/23/2021

Dave Kearney Social Analytics, Transfer and Integration, Transfer and Integration Facebook Friday

From 7/9/21 to 7/23/21

We follow the social marketing habits of an ever-growing number of Transfer and Integration companies. The information included in this report shows social marketing usage along with the specific information to help our clients market better.

At Seamless.Partners, we work hard to make sure our information is valuable to you and your colleagues. If you can think of something we should change or add, please let us know. Get in Touch

Facebook Biggest Movers

This section shows which organizations had the largest change in the number of facebook followers over this time period. The positive change may be caused by their posts or other marketing programs such as events

Biggest Change in Facebook Followers
Top Mover Post Count Past Likes Current Likes Change
Axway 1 2215 2229 +1%
Software AG 6 5423 5440 +0%

Facebook Biggest Movers' Posts

This section shows the top posts of the organizations with the largest change in the number of facebook followers. The posts below may have had some impact on the positive change in followers.

Company: Axway
Company Likes: 2229
Post Likes: 0
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: In this week's Transform It Forward, Paul French speaks with Aviva Fink, Vice President of Growth and Partnerships at Reonomy. Learn all about the changes taking place in the real estate sector in this podcast. Read the article: Listen in: #realestate #growth #digitaltransformationstrategy #podcast #dataanalysis

Company: Jitterbit
Company Likes:
Post Likes: 0
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: Today's Marketplace spotlight goes to Navint Partners! Navint is an advisory & technology services firm enabling enterprise organizations to drive growth & operational efficiency throughout the lead-to-revenue lifecycle. They specialize in recurring revenue models and #CPQ, #CLM, #Billing & #ERP. Learn more about the Marketplace here: Check out Navient in the Marketplace here: #jitterbit #apis #ipaas #integration #digitaltransformation #eipaas $#salesforce
Company: Jitterbit
Company Likes:
Post Likes: 1
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: "We are delighted to expand our partnership with Agile Networks Technologies (ANT), experts in Salesforce and the SAP C/4HANA arena, offering valuable services to customize and extend C/4 installation. ANT helps customers to develop overall system architectures, especially integrations of CRM apps into a core system in industries such as finance, inventory management or outbound logistics. Together with Jitterbit, ANT offers a smooth customer journey by seamlessly integrating the infrastructure systems." – Catherine Weiss, Partner Alliances Director, DACH, France & CEE, Jitterbit Learn more about ANT here: #Jitterbit #CRM #integration #APIs #ipaas #digitaltransformation #lowcode #nocode #salesforce #SAP #finance
Company: Jitterbit
Company Likes:
Post Likes: 1
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: Today's Marketplace spotlight goes to Cloud for Good! Cloud for Good is a certified B Corporation, Premium Partner, and leading cloud consulting firm helping #nonprofit organizations and higher #education institutions create transformational value with technology. Learn more about the Marketplace here: Check out Cloud for Good in the Marketplace here: #highereducation #highered #jitterbit #integration #ipaas #apis #digitaltransformation
Company: Jitterbit
Company Likes:
Post Likes: 2
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: "We are happy to partner with Jitterbit, the industry-leading EiPaaS as we recognize that integration is the key to delivering successful Customer Experience (CX) solutions to our DACH clients, whether based on an SAP or Salesforce stack. Integration in CX projects are never easy – but with Jitterbit Harmony Cloud Studio we are confident we can tackle these complex technical challenges. We were also glad to discocer a warm and helpful Partner team – and together we plan to go a long way." – Octav Prihoi, Chief Atchitect, ANT #jitterbit #ipaas #apis #integration #partnership #eipaas #digitaltransformation #CX
Company: Jitterbit
Company Likes:
Post Likes: 1
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Post Comments: 0
Message: Don't forget to find us at Epicor Insights 2021 to learn how Jitterbit's Process Templates can help create sales orders faster. Providing a seamless customer order experience with 100% accuracy is a critical success factor for any business, find out more about our Epicor-Microsoft Dynamics 360 process template here: Epicor Software, Microsoft Dynamics | #jitterbit #ipaas #integration #apis #CX #epicor #dynamics365

Company: jscape
Company Likes: 483
Post Likes: 1
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 1
Message: How to Monitor #SFTP Directories & Download Files #sysadmin #filetransfer #businessprocessautomation
Company: jscape
Company Likes: 483
Post Likes: 1
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: Customizing The Web User Interface Of Your HTTP/S File Transfer Service
Company: jscape
Company Likes: 483
Post Likes: 1
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: Scheduling Automated File Transfers to a Windows File Share Via SMB #MFTServer #automation #sysadmin

Software AG
Company: Software AG
Company Likes: 5440
Post Likes: 3
Post Shares: 1
Post Comments: 0
Message: Get 10 Gartner recommendations to help you meet business expectations for your IoT project. Register here:
Company: Software AG
Company Likes: 5440
Post Likes: 2
Post Shares: 1
Post Comments: 0
Message: Get the recognition you deserve!
Company: Software AG
Company Likes: 5440
Post Likes: 0
Post Shares: 1
Post Comments: 0
Message: Comparing 10 vendors, Bloor Research International determined that Software AG’s #CONNX is a champion in pure-play data integration. Click here to find out why: #CumulocityIoT #Adabas
Company: Software AG
Company Likes: 5440
Post Likes: 0
Post Shares: 1
Post Comments: 0
Message: When building cloud-native applications with #Microservices in a distributed environment, there is a critical need for robustness, scalability and flexibility. But there are obstacles you need to overcome. Learn more: #Integration #API
Company: Software AG
Company Likes: 5440
Post Likes: 1
Post Shares: 0
Post Comments: 0
Message: The IoT will exponentially expand our universe of data. Without integration, it will just be a missed opportunity. Read more in our latest whitepaper:

Dave has been building and scaling companies for 20+ years—driving performance through business-aligned technology strategy, product innovation, and data integration. As a CEO, CTO, and entrepreneur, he is skilled in solving real-world problems for startups through Fortune 500 organizations. He empowers teams to deliver robust, scalable infrastructures, and powerful solutions that automate processes, improve performance outcomes, and set the stage for exponential growth.

You can reach Dave at his website: