Transfer and Integration Twitter Tuesday – 05/25/2021

Dave Kearney Social Analytics, Transfer and Integration, Transfer and Integration Twitter Tuesday

From 5/11/21 to 5/25/21

We follow the social marketing habits of an ever-growing number of Transfer and Integration companies. The information included in this report shows social marketing usage along with the specific information to help our clients market better.

At Seamless.Partners, we work hard to make sure our information is valuable to you and your colleagues. If you can think of something we should change or add, please let us know. Get in Touch

Twitter Biggest Movers

This section shows which organizations had the largest change in the number of twitter followers over this time period. The positive change may be caused by their tweets or other marketing programs such as events

Biggest Change in Twitter Followers
Top Mover Tweet Count Past Followers Current Followers Change
VanDyke Software 7 454 475 +4.6%
StoneBranch 6 1010 1014 +0.4%
DiCentral 9 957 957 +0%
SolarWinds 3 20457 20457 +0%
OpenText 1 21067 21067 +0%
Wipro Technologies 21 45024 45011 +0%
boomi 1 110498 110410 +-0.1%
Software AG 19 34566 34513 +-0.1%
totemo 5 601 600 +-0.2%
Citrix 4 221134 220505 +-0.3%

Twitter Biggest Movers' Tweets

This section shows the top tweets of the organizations with the largest change in the number of twitter followers. The tweets below may have had some impact on the positive change in followers.


Company: boomi
Company Followers: 110410
Retweets: 0
Tweet Text: .@contraload uses Boomi to collect, validate, and process customer updates automatically for 25,000+ transactions e

Company: Citrix
Company Followers: 220505
Retweets: 2
Tweet Text: This has been an interesting discussion to watch, especially as the online reaction bears out what we are seeing an

Company: Citrix
Company Followers: 220505
Retweets: 1
Tweet Text: Security and networking are converging. @futuriom explored how & why this is happening, including a more in-depth l

Company: DiCentral
Company Followers: 957
Retweets: 1
Tweet Text: MONFRÈRE may be small, but they work with some big names! We're delighted to help boost their expansion opportuni

Company: DiCentral
Company Followers: 957
Retweets: 1
Tweet Text: Demand planning can be complicated, but by following some best practices and utilizing integration technology this

Company: DiCentral
Company Followers: 957
Retweets: 1
Tweet Text: Supply chains continue to struggle as the economy reopens. #supplychain #shortages #demand

Company: DiCentral
Company Followers: 957
Retweets: 1
Tweet Text: DiCentral is proud to be part of The Best Microsoft Apps Conference, hosted virtually by Microsoft & VOX ISM. Regis

Company: DiCentral
Company Followers: 957
Retweets: 0
Tweet Text: Were delighted to announce that DiCentral placed in GetApps 2021 Category Leaders ranking as one of the top EDI s

Company: OpenText
Company Followers: 21067
Retweets: 0
Tweet Text: #OpenTextWorld 2021 was a blast! Check out how todays technologies can help your business become intelligent, secu
Software AG

Company: Software AG
Company Followers: 34513
Retweets: 2
Tweet Text: 'New independent research conducted by @vansonbourne revealed that global IT leaders almost all believed that APIs

Company: Software AG
Company Followers: 34513
Retweets: 2
Tweet Text: You cant do IoT alone, so leverage our connections. A growing edge ecosystem is one reason MachNation rates Softwa

Company: Software AG
Company Followers: 34513
Retweets: 1
Tweet Text: Get excited! IUG 2021 is coming your way. Join the ARIS sessions to get ARIS Process Mining Advanced for free*!! Cl

Company: Software AG
Company Followers: 34513
Retweets: 1
Tweet Text: We are at Gartner Data & Analytics Summit 2021. Register now and schedule your meeting with our experts!

Company: Software AG
Company Followers: 34513
Retweets: 1
Tweet Text: #Dataintegration from 150+ sources, from legacy to the cloud and everything in between. @BloorResearch explores the

Company: SolarWinds
Company Followers: 20457
Retweets: 0
Tweet Text: @maximvdeede Thank you for letting us know. Our team is working to resolve the issue.

Company: SolarWinds
Company Followers: 20457
Retweets: 0
Tweet Text: A Conversation with Bob Metcalfe, inventor of the Ethernet. Listen to how it all started, the current and future st

Company: SolarWinds
Company Followers: 20457
Retweets: 0
Tweet Text: @codysoyland We're happy to have you, Cody!

Company: StoneBranch
Company Followers: 1014
Retweets: 0
Tweet Text: The Stonebranch Universal Automation Center is designed to help organizations automate, manage, and orchestrate the

Company: StoneBranch
Company Followers: 1014
Retweets: 0
Tweet Text: WEBINAR TOMORROW: Learn about the ENORMOUS impact that a successful end-to-end data pipeline orchestration bears on

Company: StoneBranch
Company Followers: 1014
Retweets: 0
Tweet Text: Hybrid IT Environments, Including Multi-Cloud. The long-term strategic goal for these customers is not to own or

Company: StoneBranch
Company Followers: 1014
Retweets: 0
Tweet Text: Join us on May 19, 2021, at 11:00 a.m. EST/05:00 p.m. CET to learn how Data Ops teams are orchestrating their end-t

Company: StoneBranch
Company Followers: 1014
Retweets: 0
Tweet Text: By enabling a secure and reliable real-time data pipeline orchestration, IT teams help patient data flow seamlessly

Company: totemo
Company Followers: 600
Retweets: 2
Tweet Text: Apple rejected 215,000 iOS apps due to privacy concerns last year

Company: totemo
Company Followers: 600
Retweets: 0
Tweet Text: Bitkom-Chef zieht ernüchternde Bilanz: Drei Jahren DSGVO – Ziel verfehlt Security ICT CHANNEL

Company: totemo
Company Followers: 600
Retweets: 0
Tweet Text: Erpresser legen Pipeline lahm: Benzinversorgung der US-Ostküste gekappt, Hacker entschuldigen sich

Company: totemo
Company Followers: 600
Retweets: 0
Tweet Text: Hamburger Daten­schützer unter­sagt Face­book die Whatsapp-Daten­nutzung

Company: totemo
Company Followers: 600
Retweets: 0
Tweet Text: Biden signs massive cyber order, using federal buying power to influence broader private sector practices
VanDyke Software

Company: VanDyke Software
Company Followers: 475
Retweets: 0
Tweet Text: @BWwins Our support group can help you with this. Please email .

Company: VanDyke Software
Company Followers: 475
Retweets: 0
Tweet Text: @BWwins @Data_Knox Not currently.

Company: VanDyke Software
Company Followers: 475
Retweets: 0
Tweet Text: ANNOUNCE: 9.0.2 maintenance releases of SecureCRT and SecureFX now available.

Company: VanDyke Software
Company Followers: 475
Retweets: 0
Tweet Text: @Data_Knox Hey Knox, Is this something you only want to do sometimes or all the time? If it's all the time, there's

Company: VanDyke Software
Company Followers: 475
Retweets: 0
Tweet Text: @riboe_kent Yes, it's been there a while.
Wipro Technologies

Company: Wipro Technologies
Company Followers: 45011
Retweets: 6
Tweet Text: Today, accessible technology is leveling the playing field for those with disabilities, hence creating an equitable

Company: Wipro Technologies
Company Followers: 45011
Retweets: 6
Tweet Text: .@Wipro is hiring Audio Engineer skilled in Audio Algorithms and System testing and validation on Android phone Aud

Company: Wipro Technologies
Company Followers: 45011
Retweets: 4
Tweet Text: .@Wipro is hiring Python Test Engineers skilled in Python with API and AWS cloud (NO Data Scientists) with 47 year

Company: Wipro Technologies
Company Followers: 45011
Retweets: 3
Tweet Text: Our #HR transformation playbook can help your HR organization optimize HR processes, drive HR development, and prep

Company: Wipro Technologies
Company Followers: 45011
Retweets: 3
Tweet Text: Today, accessible technology is leveling the playing field for those with disabilities, hence creating an equitable

Dave has been building and scaling companies for 20+ years—driving performance through business-aligned technology strategy, product innovation, and data integration. As a CEO, CTO, and entrepreneur, he is skilled in solving real-world problems for startups through Fortune 500 organizations. He empowers teams to deliver robust, scalable infrastructures, and powerful solutions that automate processes, improve performance outcomes, and set the stage for exponential growth.

You can reach Dave at his website: